2008 |
24 | EE | Pablo Sánchez,
Lidia Fuentes,
Dominik Stein,
Stefan Hanenberg,
Rainer Unland:
Aspect-Oriented Model Weaving Beyond Model Composition and Model Transformation.
MoDELS 2008: 766-781 |
23 | EE | Dominik Stein,
Stefan Hanenberg:
Assessing the Power of a Visual Modeling Notation - Preliminary Contemplations on Designing a Test.
MoDELS Workshops 2008: 78-89 |
22 | EE | Mohammed Al-Mansari,
Stefan Hanenberg,
Rainer Unland:
On to formal semantics for path expression pointcuts.
SAC 2008: 271-275 |
2007 |
21 | EE | Mohammed Al-Mansari,
Stefan Hanenberg,
Rainer Unland:
Orthogonal persistence and AOP: a balancing act.
ACP4IS 2007: 2 |
20 | EE | Stefan Hanenberg,
Dominik Stein,
Rainer Unland:
From aspect-oriented design to aspect-oriented programs: tool-supported translation of JPDDs into code.
AOSD 2007: 49-62 |
19 | EE | Mohammed Al-Mansari,
Stefan Hanenberg,
Rainer Unland:
Aspect-Oriented Programming: Selecting and Exposing Object Paths.
Software Composition 2007: 184-199 |
2006 |
18 | EE | Dominik Stein,
Stefan Hanenberg,
Rainer Unland:
Expressing different conceptual models of join point selections in aspect-oriented design.
AOSD 2006: 15-26 |
17 | | Mohammed Al-Mansari,
Stefan Hanenberg:
Path Expression Pointcuts: Abstracting over Non-Local Object Relationships in Aspect-Oriented Languages.
NODe/GSEM 2006: 81-96 |
16 | EE | Stefan Hanenberg,
Mohammed Al-Mansari,
Rainer Unland:
Aspect-specification based on structural type information.
SAC 2006: 1575-1579 |
15 | EE | Robert Hirschfeld,
Stefan Hanenberg:
Open Aspects.
Computer Languages, Systems & Structures 32(2-3): 87-108 (2006) |
14 | EE | Dominik Stein,
Stefan Hanenberg:
Why Aspect-Oriented Software Development And Model-Driven Development Are Not The Same - A Position Paper.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 163(1): 71-82 (2006) |
13 | EE | Dominik Stein,
Stefan Hanenberg,
Rainer Unland:
Join Point Designation Diagrams: a Graphical Representation of Join Point Selections.
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 16(3): 317-346 (2006) |
2005 |
12 | EE | Dominik Stein,
Stefan Hanenberg,
Rainer Unland:
On Relationships Between Query Models.
ECMDA-FA 2005: 254-268 |
11 | | Dominik Stein,
Stefan Hanenberg,
Rainer Unland:
Visualizing Join Point Selections Using Interaction-Based vs. State-Based Notations Exemplified With Help of Business Rules.
EMISA 2005: 94-107 |
10 | | Renat Zubairov,
Stefan Hanenberg,
Rainer Unland:
Modularizing Security Related Concerns in Enterprise Applications - A Case Study with J2EE and AspectJ.
NODe/GSEM 2005: 177-193 |
9 | | Stefan Hanenberg,
Dominik Stein,
Rainer Unland:
Eine Taxonomie für aspektorientierte Systeme.
Software Engineering 2005: 167-178 |
2004 |
8 | EE | Stefan Hanenberg,
Robert Hirschfeld,
Rainer Unland:
Morphing aspects: incompletely woven aspects and continuous weaving.
AOSD 2004: 46-55 |
7 | EE | Dominik Stein,
Stefan Hanenberg,
Rainer Unland:
A Graphical Notation to Specify Model Queries for MDA Transformations on UML Models.
MDAFA 2004: 77-92 |
6 | EE | Günter Kniesel,
Tobias Rho,
Stefan Hanenberg:
Evolvable Pattern Implementations Need Generic Aspects.
RAM-SE 2004: 111-126 |
5 | EE | Dominik Stein,
Stefan Hanenberg,
Rainer Unland:
Query Models.
UML 2004: 98-112 |
2003 |
4 | EE | Stefan Hanenberg,
Rainer Unland:
Parametric introductions.
AOSD 2003: 80-89 |
2002 |
3 | EE | Dominik Stein,
Stefan Hanenberg,
Rainer Unland:
A UML-based aspect-oriented design notation for AspectJ.
AOSD 2002: 106-112 |
2 | EE | Stefan Hanenberg,
Rainer Unland:
Roles and Aspects: Similarities, Differences, and Synergetic Potential.
OOIS 2002: 507-520 |
2001 |
1 | EE | Stefan Hanenberg,
Boris Bachmendo,
Rainer Unland:
An Object Model for General-Purpose Aspect Languages.
GCSE 2001: 80-91 |