
Nadine Hanebutte

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7EEJeffrey Choi Robinson, W. Scott Harrison, Nadine Hanebutte, Paul W. Oman, Jim Alves-Foss: Implementing middleware for content filtering and information flow control. CSAW 2007: 47-53
6EEScott Harrison, Nadine Hanebutte, Jim Alves-Foss: Programming Education in the Era of the Internet: A Paradigm Shift. HICSS 2006
5EENadine Hanebutte, Paul W. Oman: Software vulnerability mitigation as a proper subset of software maintenance. Journal of Software Maintenance 17(6): 379-400 (2005)
4EEWilliam S. Harrison, Axel W. Krings, Nadine Hanebutte: Optimizing the Observation Windows Size for Kernel Attack Signatures. HICSS 2004
3 Vamshi Krishna Venapally, William S. Harrison, Nadine Hanebutte: KLADS: Unix Based Kernel Level Anomaly Detection System. Security and Management 2004: 365-368
2 Nadine Hanebutte, Carol S. Taylor, Reiner R. Dumke: Techniques of Successful Application of Factor Analysis in Software Measurement. Empirical Software Engineering 8(1): 43-57 (2003)
1EEWilliam S. Harrison, Axel W. Krings, Nadine Hanebutte, Miles McQueen: On the Performance of a Survivability Architecture for Networked Computing Systems. HICSS 2002: 195

Coauthor Index

1Jim Alves-Foss [6] [7]
2Reiner R. Dumke [2]
3Scott Harrison [6]
4W. Scott Harrison [7]
5William S. Harrison [1] [3] [4]
6Axel W. Krings [1] [4]
7Miles McQueen [1]
8Paul W. Oman [5] [7]
9Jeffrey Choi Robinson [7]
10Carol S. Taylor [2]
11Vamshi Krishna Venapally [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)