
Peter J. B. Hancock

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10EECharlie D. Frowd, Peter J. B. Hancock: Evolving Human Faces. The Art of Artificial Evolution 2008: 189-210
9EECharlie D. Frowd, Vicki Bruce, Helen Y. Chang, Yvonne Plenderleith, Alex H. McIntyre, Peter J. B. Hancock: Predict Your Child: a System to Suggest the Facial Appearance of Children. Journal of Multimedia 3(1): 28-35 (2008)
8EECharlie D. Frowd, Vicki Bruce, Alex H. McIntyre, Peter J. B. Hancock: Adding Holistic Dimensions to a Facial Composite System. FG 2006: 183-188
7EECharlie D. Frowd, Vicki Bruce, Alex H. McIntyre, David Ross, Stephen Fields, Yvonne Plenderleith, Peter J. B. Hancock: Implementing Holistic Dimensions for a Facial Composite System. Journal of Multimedia 1(3): 42-51 (2006)
6EECharlie D. Frowd, Peter J. B. Hancock, Derek Carson: EvoFIT: A holistic, evolutionary facial imaging technique for creating composites. TAP 1(1): 19-39 (2004)
5 A. Mike Burton, Vicki Bruce, Peter J. B. Hancock: From Pixels to People: A Model of Familiar Face Recognition. Cognitive Science 23(1): 1-31 (1999)
4 Vicki Bruce, A. Mike Burton, Peter J. B. Hancock: Comparisons between Human and Computer Recognition of Faces. FG 1998: 408-415
3 Peter J. B. Hancock: An Empirical Comparison of Selection Methods in Evolutionary Algorithms. Evolutionary Computing, AISB Workshop 1994: 80-94
2 Peter J. B. Hancock: Recombination Operators for the Design of Neural Nets by Genetic Algorithm. PPSN 1992: 443-452
1 Peter J. B. Hancock, Leslie S. Smith: GANNET: Genetic Design of a Neural Net for Face Recognition. PPSN 1990: 292-296

Coauthor Index

1Vicki Bruce [4] [5] [7] [8] [9]
2A. Mike Burton [4] [5]
3Derek Carson [6]
4Helen Y. Chang [9]
5Stephen Fields [7]
6Charlie D. Frowd [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
7Alex H. McIntyre [7] [8] [9]
8Yvonne Plenderleith [7] [9]
9David Ross [7]
10Leslie S. Smith [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)