
Mark S. Hancock

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12EEDenise W. Gürer, Jennifer Light, Christina Björkman, Rhian Davies, Mark S. Hancock, Anne Condon, Annemieke Craig, Vashti Galpin, Ursula Martin, Margit Pohl, Sylvia Wiltner, M. Suriya, Ellen Spertus, Joanne McGrath Cohoon, Gloria Childress Townsend, Paula Gabbert: Women in Computing. Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering 2008
11EEMark S. Hancock, M. Sheelagh T. Carpendale, Andy Cockburn: Shallow-depth 3d interaction: design and evaluation of one-, two- and three-touch techniques. CHI 2007: 1147-1156
10EEEdward Tse, Mark S. Hancock, Saul Greenberg: Speech-filtered bubble ray: improving target acquisition on display walls. ICMI 2007: 307-314
9EEUta Hinrichs, Mark S. Hancock, M. Sheelagh T. Carpendale, Christopher Collins: Examination of Text-Entry Methods for Tabletop Displays. Tabletop 2007: 105-112
8EEMark S. Hancock, M. Sheelagh T. Carpendale: Supporting Multiple Off-Axis Viewpoints at a Tabletop Display. Tabletop 2007: 171-178
7EEMark S. Hancock, John David Miller, Saul Greenberg, M. Sheelagh T. Carpendale: Exploring visual feedback of change conflict in a distributed 3D environment. AVI 2006: 209-216
6EETorre Zuk, Lothar Schlesier, Petra Neumann, Mark S. Hancock, M. Sheelagh T. Carpendale: Heuristics for information visualization evaluation. BELIV 2006: 1-6
5EEMark S. Hancock, M. Sheelagh T. Carpendale, Frédéric Vernier, Daniel Wigdor, Chia Shen: Rotation and Translation Mechanisms for Tabletop Interaction. Tabletop 2006: 79-88
4EEChia Shen, Kathy Ryall, Clifton Forlines, Alan Esenther, Frédéric Vernier, Katherine Everitt, Mike Wu, Daniel Wigdor, Meredith Ringel Morris, Mark S. Hancock, Edward Tse: Informing the Design of Direct-Touch Tabletops. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 26(5): 36-46 (2006)
3EEChia Shen, Mark S. Hancock, Clifton Forlines, Frédéric Vernier: CoR2Ds. CHI Extended Abstracts 2005: 1781-1784
2EEMark S. Hancock, Chia Shen, Clifton Forlines, Kathy Ryall: Exploring non-speech auditory feedback at an interactive multi-user tabletop. Graphics Interface 2005: 41-50
1 Mark S. Hancock, Kellogg S. Booth: Improving Menu Placement Strategies for Pen Input. Graphics Interface 2004: 221-230

Coauthor Index

1Christina Björkman [12]
2Kellogg S. Booth [1]
3M. Sheelagh T. Carpendale [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [11]
4Andy Cockburn [11]
5Joanne McGrath Cohoon [12]
6Christopher Collins [9]
7Anne Condon [12]
8Annemieke Craig [12]
9Rhian Davies [12]
10Alan Esenther [4]
11Katherine Everitt [4]
12Clifton Forlines [2] [3] [4]
13Paula Gabbert [12]
14Vashti Galpin (Vashti C. Galpin) [12]
15Saul Greenberg [7] [10]
16Denise W. Gürer [12]
17Uta Hinrichs [9]
18Petra Isenberg (Petra Neumann) [6]
19Jennifer Light [12]
20Ursula Martin [12]
21John David Miller [7]
22Meredith Ringel Morris (Meredith Ringel) [4]
23Margit Pohl [12]
24Kathy Ryall (Kathleen Ryall) [2] [4]
25Lothar Schlesier [6]
26Chia Shen [2] [3] [4] [5]
27Ellen Spertus [12]
28M. Suriya [12]
29Gloria Childress Townsend [12]
30Edward Tse [4] [10]
31Frédéric Vernier [3] [4] [5]
32Daniel Wigdor [4] [5]
33Sylvia Wiltner [12]
34Mike Wu [4]
35Torre Zuk [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)