
Seung-Hoon Han

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4EEYoung-Bum Kim, Seung-Hoon Han, Sun-Jeong Kim, Eun-Ju Kim, Chang Geun Song: Multi-Player Virtual Ping-Pong Game. ICAT 2007: 269-273
3EESeung-Hoon Han, Haeng-Kang Kim, Youngho Lee, Seungjoon Yang: Converting the interlaced 3: 2 pulldown film to the NTSC video without motion artifacts. ICIP (2) 2005: 1054-1057
2EESeung-Hoon Han, In-So Kweon: Scalable temporal interest points for abstraction and classification of video events. ICME 2005: 670-673
1EESeung-Hoon Han, In-So Kweon, Chang-Yeong Kim, Yang Seck Seo: Bayesian Shot Detection Using Structural Weighting. MVA 2000: 95-98

Coauthor Index

1Chang-Yeong Kim [1]
2Eun-Ju Kim [4]
3Haeng-Kang Kim [3]
4Sun-Jeong Kim [4]
5Young-Bum Kim [4]
6In-So Kweon [1] [2]
7Youngho Lee [3]
8Yang Seck Seo [1]
9Chang Geun Song [4]
10Seungjoon Yang [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)