
Pu Han

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5EEQian Zhang, Ze Dong, Pu Han, Zhongli Wu, Fang Gao: Optimization of controllers in the thermal system using initial pheromone distribution in Ant Colony Optimization. IRI 2008: 22-27
4EEPu Han, Deli Zhang, Lihui Zhou, Songming Jiao: Steam Turbine Fault Diagnosis Method Based on Rough Set Theory and Bayesian Network. FSKD (1) 2007: 419-422
3EEChao Zhang, Pu Han, Guiji Tang, Guori Ji: Simulation of Time Series Prediction Based on Smooth Support Vector Regression. ISNN (3) 2007: 545-552
2EEPu Han, Yuhong Li, Hongjun Liu, Dongfeng Wang: A new dynamic matrix control algorithm with Lyapunov stability. ICARCV 2004: 1963-1968
1 Hai-Rong Sun, Pu Han, Song-Ming Jiao: A Predictive Control Strategy Based on Fuzzy System. IRI 2004: 549-552

Coauthor Index

1Ze Dong [5]
2Fang Gao [5]
3Guori Ji [3]
4Song-Ming Jiao [1]
5Songming Jiao [4]
6Yuhong Li [2]
7Hongjun Liu [2]
8Hai-Rong Sun [1]
9Guiji Tang [3]
10Dongfeng Wang [2]
11Zhongli Wu [5]
12Chao Zhang [3]
13Deli Zhang [4]
14Qian Zhang [5]
15Lihui Zhou [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)