
Lu Han

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8EENishkam Ravi, James Scott, Lu Han, Liviu Iftode: Context-aware Battery Management for Mobile Phones. PerCom 2008: 224-233
7EEZhengtao Yu, Lu Han, Cunli Mao, Yunwei Li, Yanxia Qiu, Xiangyan Meng: Answer Extracting Based on Passage Retrieval in Chinese Question Answering System. International Conference on Computational Science (4) 2007: 598-605
6EEKan Zheng, Lu Han, Jianfeng Wang, Wenbo Wang: Performance and Analysis of CDM-FH-OFDMA for Broadband Wireless Systems. Networking 2006: 978-989
5EEQingguo Lan, Shufen Liu, Bing Li, Lu Han: Study on Unified Metamodeling Framework Based on Down-Up Mechanism. CSCWD (Selected papers) 2005: 596-605
4EEJun Ye, Xiande Liu, Lu Han: An Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Stochastic Weighted Learning for Constrained Optimization. ICNC (2) 2005: 1105-1111
3EELu Han, Dongming Zhao, Manli Zhou: A network layer security mechanism based on collaborative intelligent agents in MANET. ITRE 2005: 56-59
2EEJun Ye, Xiande Liu, Lu Han: Evolutionary game algorithm for continuous parameter optimization. Inf. Process. Lett. 91(5): 211-219 (2004)
1EEJun Ye, Xiande Liu, Lu Han: Evolutionary Game Algorithm for Multiple Knapsack Problem. IAT 2003: 424-427

Coauthor Index

1Liviu Iftode [8]
2Qingguo Lan [5]
3Bing Li [5]
4Yunwei Li [7]
5Shufen Liu [5]
6Xiande Liu [1] [2] [4]
7Cunli Mao [7]
8Xiangyan Meng [7]
9Yanxia Qiu [7]
10Nishkam Ravi [8]
11James Scott [8]
12Jianfeng Wang [6]
13Wenbo Wang [6]
14Jun Ye [1] [2] [4]
15Zhengtao Yu [7]
16Dongming Zhao [3]
17Kan Zheng [6]
18Manli Zhou [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)