
John Hamilton

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7 Belita Gopal, John Hamilton, Perakath C. Benjamin, Deepa Narayanan: Automated System for the Extraction of Themes from News Articles. IC-AI 2007: 8-14
6EEIdongesit Mkpong-Ruffin, David A. Umphress, John Hamilton, Juan Gilbert: Quantitative software security risk assessment model. QoP 2007: 31-33
5EERobert Steven Owor, Khalil Dajani, Zephyrinus Okonkwo, John Hamilton: An elliptical cryptographic algorithm for RF wireless devices. Winter Simulation Conference 2007: 1424-1429
4EEJohn Hamilton: Business?customer alignment in the Australian pharmaceutical industry. IJEB 4(5): 401-420 (2006)
3 John Hamilton: The Virtual Service Value-Chain: Disruptive Technology Delivering Competitive Advantage for the Services Industry. ICEB 2004: 211-218
2 John Hamilton: E-Logistics Comparative Positioning Model: A Multi-National Enterprise Airline Study. ICEB 2004: 93-100
1EEJohn Hamilton, Willem Selen: Strategic positioning for real-estate management in Australia: implementing e-business for competitive advantage. IJEB 2(4): 383-403 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Perakath C. Benjamin [7]
2Khalil Dajani [5]
3Juan Gilbert [6]
4Belita Gopal [7]
5Idongesit Mkpong-Ruffin [6]
6Deepa Narayanan [7]
7Zephyrinus Okonkwo [5]
8Robert Steven Owor [5]
9Willem Selen [1]
10David A. Umphress [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)