
Christine Halverson

Christine A. Halverson

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17EEJason B. Ellis, Catalina Danis, Christine Halverson, Wendy A. Kellogg: Social visualization in software development. CHI Extended Abstracts 2006: 742-747
16EEChristine A. Halverson, Jason B. Ellis, Catalina Danis, Wendy A. Kellogg: Designing task visualizations to support the coordination of work in software development. CSCW 2006: 39-48
15EEThomas Erickson, Wendy A. Kellogg, Mark Laff, Jeremy B. Sussman, Tracee Vetting Wolf, Christine A. Halverson, Denise Edwards: A persistent chat space for work groups: the design, evaluation and deployment of loops. Conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2006: 331-340
14EEThomas Erickson, Christine A. Halverson: Intelligent design or felicitous evolution? sustaining order and activity in online communities. GROUP 2005: 323
13EEElizabeth F. Churchill, Christine A. Halverson: Guest Editors' Introduction: Social Networks and Social Networking. IEEE Internet Computing 9(5): 14-19 (2005)
12EEChristine Halverson, Thomas Erickson, Mark S. Ackerman: Behind the help desk: evolution of a knowledge management system in a large organization. CSCW 2004: 304-313
11EEChristine Halverson: The Value of Persistence: A Study of the Creation, Ordering and Use of Conversation Archives by a Knowledge Worker . HICSS 2004
10EEMark S. Ackerman, Christine Halverson: Organizational Memory as Objects, Processes, and Trajectories: An Examination of Organizational Memory in Use. Computer Supported Cooperative Work 13(2): 155-189 (2004)
9EEChristine Halverson, Thomas Erickson, Jeremy B. Sussman: What counts as success? punctuated patterns of use in a persistent chat environment. GROUP 2003: 180-189
8EEChristine Halverson, Mark S. Ackerman: "Yeah, the Rush ain't here yet - Take a break": Creation and Use of an Artifact as Organizational Memory. HICSS 2003: 113
7EEThomas Erickson, Christine Halverson, Wendy A. Kellogg, Mark Laff, Tracee Wolf: Social translucence: designing social infrastructures that make collective activity visible. Commun. ACM 45(4): 40-44 (2002)
6 Christine Halverson: Activity Theory and Distributed Cognition: Or What Does CSCW Need to DO with Theories? Computer Supported Cooperative Work 11(1-2): 243-267 (2002)
5EEDimitrios Voutsas, Christine Halverson: SURFing the home with your TV. ACM Multimedia 2000: 452-455
4EEClare-Marie Karat, Christine Halverson, Daniel Horn, John Karat: Patterns of Entry and Correction in Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition System. CHI 1999: 568-575
3EEMark S. Ackerman, Christine Halverson: Organizational Memory: Processes, Boundary Objects, and Trajectories. HICSS 1999
2EEMark S. Ackerman, Christine Halverson: Considering an Organization's Memory. CSCW 1998: 39-48
1EEChristine Halverson, Yvonne Rogers: An Introduction to Distributed Cognition: Analyzing the Organizational, the Social and the Cognitive for Designing and Implementing CSCW Applications (Tutorial). CSCW 1996: 4

Coauthor Index

1Mark S. Ackerman [2] [3] [8] [10] [12]
2Elizabeth F. Churchill [13]
3Catalina Danis [16] [17]
4Denise Edwards [15]
5Jason B. Ellis [16] [17]
6Thomas Erickson [7] [9] [12] [14] [15]
7Daniel Horn [4]
8Clare-Marie Karat [4]
9John Karat [4]
10Wendy A. Kellogg [7] [15] [16] [17]
11Mark Laff [7] [15]
12Yvonne Rogers [1]
13Jeremy B. Sussman [9] [15]
14Dimitrios Voutsas [5]
15Tracee Vetting Wolf (Tracee Wolf) [7] [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)