
Malka Halgamuge

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4EEMalka Halgamuge: Efficient Battery Management for Sensor Lifetime. AINA Workshops (1) 2007: 56-61
3EEMalka Halgamuge, Siddeswara Mayura Guru, Andrew Jennings: Centralised Strategies for Cluster Formation in Sensor Networks. Classification and Clustering for Knowledge Discovery 2005: 315-331
2 Kenneth Chan, Gary Lam, Siddeswara Mayura Guru, Malka Halgamuge, Saman Fernando: Development of a Smartbolt(TM) Prototype with Energy Model for Clustered Sensor Systems. FSKD 2002: 280-284
1 Chris Brewster, Paul Farmer, James Manners, Malka Halgamuge: An Incremental Approach to Model Based Clustering and Segmentation. FSKD 2002: 586-590

Coauthor Index

1Chris Brewster [1]
2Kenneth Chan [2]
3Paul Farmer [1]
4Saman Fernando [2]
5Siddeswara Mayura Guru [2] [3]
6Andrew Jennings [3]
7Gary Lam [2]
8James Manners [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)