
H. Hahn

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5 H.-J. Sommer, H. Hahn: Global Structural Approximate Controllability of Polynominal Nonlinear Systems. EUROCAST 1997: 170-176
4 H.-J. Sommer, H. Hahn: Computer Aided Nonlinear Systems Design Based on Algebraic System Representation and on Nonlinear Bundle Graphs. EUROCAST 1993: 21-41
3 H. Hahn: Computer Aided Multi-Parameter Analysis of Linear Control Systems Using Exponent Diagram Techniques. EUROCAST 1991: 688-710
2 H. Hahn: Computer Aided Multi-Parameter Design of Linear Control Systems Using Exponent Diagram Techniques. EUROCAST 1991: 711-732
1 H. Hahn: Eine Echtzeitdatenbank für eine Automatisierungssystem der Netzleittechnik. BTW 1987: 333-338

Coauthor Index

1H.-J. Sommer [4] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)