
Irit Hadar

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6EEIrit Hadar, Uri Leron: How intuitive is object-oriented design? Commun. ACM 51(5): 41-46 (2008)
5EEOrit Hazzan, Irit Hadar: Why and how can human-related measures support software development processes? Journal of Systems and Software 81(7): 1248-1252 (2008)
4EEJürgen Börstler, Irit Hadar: Pedagogies and Tools for the Teaching and Learning of Object Oriented Concepts. ECOOP Workshops 2007: 182-192
3EEEthan Hadar, Irit Hadar: Effective preparation for design review: using UML arrow checklist leveraged on the Gurus' knowledge. OOPSLA Companion 2007: 955-962
2EEEthan Hadar, Irit Hadar: The composition refactoring triangle (CRT) practical toolkit: from spaghetti to lasagna. OOPSLA Companion 2006: 786-797
1EEIrit Hadar, Orit Hazzan: On the Contribution of UML Diagrams to Software System Comprehension. Journal of Object Technology 3(1): 143-156 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Jürgen Börstler [4]
2Ethan Hadar [2] [3]
3Orit Hazzan [1] [5]
4Uri Leron [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)