
Ray Hackney

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15EEHabin Lee, Jong Woo Kim, Ray Hackney: The Determinants of the Effectiveness of Online Discussion Board Systems in eLearning: A Case Study. WSKS (1) 2008: 271-277
14EERay Hackney, Kevin C. Desouza, Zahir Irani: Constructing and Sustaining Competitive Interorganizational Knowledge Networks: An Analysis of Managerial Web-Based Facilitation. IS Management 25(4): 356-363 (2008)
13EESteve Jones, Ray Hackney, Zahir Irani: E-government: an e-reverse auction case study. EG 4(4): 412-422 (2007)
12EERay Hackney, Huinan Xu, Ashok Ranchhod: Evaluating Web Services: Towards a framework for emergent. European Journal of Operational Research 173(3): 1161-1174 (2006)
11EEAshok Ranchhod, Calin Gurau, Ray Hackney: The challenge of cyber-marketing planning and implementation. IJITM 3(2/3/4): 141-156 (2004)
10EEJeremy Rose, Ray Hackney: Towards a Structurational Theory of Information Systems: A Substantive Case Analysis. HICSS 2003: 258
9EERay Hackney, Gareth Griffiths, Ashok Ranchhod: Towards an e-commerce business strategy. IJSTM 3(1): 39-53 (2002)
8EEPaul Windrum, Chris Birchenhall, Ray Hackney: Modelling IS successions in e commerce. ECIS 2001
7EENeil McBride, Ray Hackney: Why information systems plans do not get implemented: A case study of a UK hospital. ECIS 2001
6EEJohn Pillay, Ray Hackney: Organisational Mission Statements: A Postmodernist Perspective on the Management of the IS/IT Function. ECIS 2000
5EEGurpreet Dhillon, Ray Hackney: IS/IT and Dynamic Business Change. HICSS 2000
4 Ashok Ranchhod, Ray Hackney: Marketing the IT function: furthering in-house knowledge elicitation. IRMA Conference 2000: 1135-1137
3EEMartin Hancox, Ray Hackney: IT outsourcing: frameworks for conceptualizing practice and perception. Inf. Syst. J. 10(3): 217-238 (2000)
2EEMartin Hancox, Ray Hackney: Information Technology Outsourcing: Conceptualizing Practice in the Public and Private Sector. HICSS 1999
1EERay Hackney, Gurpreet Dhillon, Neil McBride, Shalini Kesar: Interpreting IS/IT Decision Support in the UK Primary Health Care System: Issues of Consumer Orientation and Structures. HICSS 1999

Coauthor Index

1Chris Birchenhall [8]
2Kevin C. Desouza [14]
3Gurpreet Dhillon [1] [5]
4Gareth Griffiths [9]
5Calin Gurau [11]
6Martin Hancox [2] [3]
7Zahir Irani [13] [14]
8Steve Jones [13]
9Shalini Kesar [1]
10Jong Woo Kim [15]
11Habin Lee [15]
12Neil McBride [1] [7]
13John Pillay [6]
14Ashok Ranchhod [4] [9] [11] [12]
15Jeremy Rose [10]
16Paul Windrum [8]
17Huinan Xu [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)