
Halima Habieb-Mammar

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6EEAhmed Seffah, Mohamed Taleb, Halima Habieb-Mammar, Alain Abran: Reconciling usability and interactive system architecture using patterns. Journal of Systems and Software 81(11): 1845-1852 (2008)
5EEFranck Tarpin-Bernard, Halima Habieb-Mammar: Modeling Elementary Cognitive Abilities for Adaptive Hypermedia Presentation. User Model. User-Adapt. Interact. 15(5): 459-495 (2005)
4EEHalima Habieb-Mammar, Franck Tarpin-Bernard: CUMAPH: Cognitive User Modeling for Adaptive Presentation of Hyper-documents. An Experimental Study.. AH 2004: 136-145
3EEHalima Habieb-Mammar, Franck Tarpin-Bernard, Patrick Prévôt: Modeling hypermedia documents for adaptative presentation. IHM 2003: 112-117
2EEHalima Habieb-Mammar, Franck Tarpin-Bernard, Patrick Prévôt: Adaptive Presentation of Multimedia Interface Case Study: "Brain Story" Course. User Modeling 2003: 15-24
1 Franck Tarpin-Bernard, Halima Habieb-Mammar, Bernard Croisile, Michel Noir: A supervised program for cognitive e-training. WebNet 2001: 1208-1213

Coauthor Index

1Alain Abran [6]
2Bernard Croisile [1]
3Michel Noir [1]
4Patrick Prévôt [2] [3]
5Ahmed Seffah [6]
6Mohamed Taleb [6]
7Franck Tarpin-Bernard [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)