
Stefan Haar

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23EEPaolo Baldan, Thomas Chatain, Stefan Haar, Barbara König: Unfolding-Based Diagnosis of Systems with an Evolving Topology. CONCUR 2008: 203-217
22EEGregor von Bochmann, Stefan Haar, Claude Jard, Guy-Vincent Jourdan: Testing Systems Specified as Partial Order Input/Output Automata. TestCom/FATES 2008: 169-183
21EEHélia Pouyllau, Stefan Haar: Distributed Busacker-Gowen algorithm for end-to-end QoS pipe negotiation in X-domain networks. Annales des Télécommunications 63(11-12): 621-630 (2008)
20EEAnne Bouillard, Sidney Rosario, Albert Benveniste, Stefan Haar: Monotony in Service Orchestrations CoRR abs/0804.4896: (2008)
19EEHélia Pouyllau, Stefan Haar: Distributed End-to-End QoS Contract Negotiation. AIMS 2007: 180-183
18EESidney Rosario, Albert Benveniste, Stefan Haar, Claude Jard: Probabilistic QoS and soft contracts for transaction based Web services. ICWS 2007: 126-133
17EEHélia Pouyllau, Stefan Haar: A protocol for QoS contract negotiation and its implementation using Web Services. ICWS 2007: 168-175
16EEStefan Haar, Claude Jard, Guy-Vincent Jourdan: Testing Input/Output Partial Order Automata. TestCom/FATES 2007: 171-185
15EESidney Rosario, David Kitchin, Albert Benveniste, William R. Cook, Stefan Haar, Claude Jard: Event Structure Semantics of Orc. WS-FM 2007: 154-168
14EEBruno Gaujal, Stefan Haar, Jean Mairesse: Blocking a transition in a Free Choice net and what it tells about its throughput CoRR abs/0707.4372: (2007)
13EEHélia Pouyllau, Armen Aghasaryan, Laurent Ciarletta, Stefan Haar: X-domain QoS budget negotiation using Dynamic Programming. AICT/ICIW 2006: 35
12EEPaolo Baldan, Stefan Haar, Barbara König: Distributed Unfolding of Petri Nets. FoSSaCS 2006: 126-141
11EESerge Abiteboul, Zoë Abrams, Stefan Haar, Tova Milo: Diagnosis of asynchronous discrete event systems: datalog to the rescue! PODS 2005: 358-367
10EEShigemasa Takai, Toshimitsu Ushio, Eric Fabre, Albert Benveniste, Stefan Haar, Claude Jard, Alessandro Giua, Daniele Corona, Carla Seatzu: Contributing Authors. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 15(1): 109-112 (2005)
9EEEric Fabre, Albert Benveniste, Stefan Haar, Claude Jard: Distributed Monitoring of Concurrent and Asynchronous Systems*. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 15(1): 33-84 (2005)
8EEEric Fabre, Albert Benveniste, Stefan Haar, Claude Jard, Armen Aghasaryan: Algorithms for Distributed Fault Management in Telecommunications Networks. ICT 2004: 820-825
7EEAlbert Benveniste, Stefan Haar, Eric Fabre, Claude Jard: Distributed Monitoring of Concurrent and Asynchronous Systems. CONCUR 2003: 1-26
6EEBruno Gaujal, Stefan Haar, Jean Mairesse: Blocking a transition in a free choice net and what it tells about its throughput. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 66(3): 515-548 (2003)
5EEStefan Haar: Probabilistic Unfoldings and Partial Order Fairness in Petri Nets. PAPM-PROBMIV 2002: 95-114
4EEStefan Haar: Probabilistic Cluster Unfoldings. Fundam. Inform. 53(3-4): 281-314 (2002)
3 Stefan Haar: Clusters, Confusion and Unfoldings. Fundam. Inform. 47(3-4): 259-270 (2001)
2 Stefan Haar: Occurrence Net Logics. Fundam. Inform. 43(1-4): 105-127 (2000)
1EEStefan Haar: Branching Processes of general S/T-Systems and their properties. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 18: (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Serge Abiteboul [11]
2Zoë Abrams [11]
3Armen Aghasaryan [8] [13]
4Paolo Baldan [12] [23]
5Albert Benveniste [7] [8] [9] [10] [15] [18] [20]
6Gregor von Bochmann [22]
7Anne Bouillard [20]
8Thomas Chatain [23]
9Laurent Ciarletta [13]
10William R. Cook [15]
11Daniele Corona [10]
12Eric Fabre [7] [8] [9] [10]
13Bruno Gaujal [6] [14]
14Alessandro Giua [10]
15Claude Jard [7] [8] [9] [10] [15] [16] [18] [22]
16Guy-Vincent Jourdan [16] [22]
17David Kitchin [15]
18Barbara König [12] [23]
19Jean Mairesse [6] [14]
20Tova Milo [11]
21Hélia Pouyllau [13] [17] [19] [21]
22Sidney Rosario [15] [18] [20]
23Carla Seatzu [10]
24Shigemasa Takai [10]
25Toshimitsu Ushio [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)