
Alfred W. Hübler

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15EEAlfred W. Hübler: Digital batteries. Complexity 14(3): 7-8 (2009)
14EEAlfred W. Hübler, Timothy Wotherspoon: Self-adjusting systems avoid chaos. Complexity 14(4): 8-11 (2009)
13EEAlfred W. Hübler: "Homeopathic" dynamical systems. Complexity 13(3): 8-11 (2008)
12EEAlfred W. Hübler, Vadas Gintautas: Experimental evidence for mixed reality states. Complexity 13(6): 7-10 (2008)
11EEAlfred W. Hübler, Glenn C. Foster, Kirstin C. Phelps: Managing chaos: Thinking out of the box. Complexity 12(3): 10-13 (2007)
10EEAlfred W. Hübler: Understanding complex systems: Defining an abstract concept. Complexity 12(5): 9-11 (2007)
9EEAlfred W. Hübler, Kirstin C. Phelps: Guiding a self-adjusting system through chaos. Complexity 13(1): 62-66 (2007)
8EEAlfred W. Hübler, Kirstin C. Phelps: Guiding a self-adjusting system through chaos. Complexity 13(2): 62-66 (2007)
7EEAlfred W. Hübler, Glenn C. Foster: How to create a large response from chaotic systems: Optimal forcing functions complement the natural dynamics of a system. Complexity 11(4): 11-13 (2006)
6EEAlfred W. Hübler: Information engines: Converting information into energy. Complexity 12(2): 10-12 (2006)
5EEAlfred W. Hübler: Predicting complex systems with a holistic approach: The "throughput" criterion. Complexity 10(3): 11-16 (2005)
4EEAlfred W. Hübler: Understanding complex systems: Networks. Complexity 10(3): 17 (2005)
3EEPeter Schuster, Alfred W. Hübler: Good-bye and thank you to our complexity-at-large editors. Complexity 9(6): 3 (2004)
2EEDavid Smyth, Alfred W. Hübler: A conductivity-dependent phase transition from closed-loop to open-loop dendritic networks. Complexity 9(1): 56-60 (2003)
1EELora J. Durak, Alfred W. Hübler: Scaling of Knowledge in Random Conceptual Networks. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2001: 976-985

Coauthor Index

1Lora J. Durak [1]
2Glenn C. Foster [7] [11]
3Vadas Gintautas [12]
4Kirstin C. Phelps [8] [9] [11]
5Peter Schuster [3]
6David Smyth [2]
7Timothy Wotherspoon [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)