
Ulrich Höhle

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10EEUlrich Höhle, Tomasz Kubiak: A note on Hausdorff separation in L-TOP. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 159(19): 2606-2610 (2008)
9EEUlrich Höhle, Tomasz Kubiak: Approximating Orders in Meet-Continuous Lattices and Regularity Axioms in Many Valued Topology. Order 25(1): 9-17 (2008)
8EEUlrich Höhle: Fuzzy sets and sheaves. Part I: Basic concepts. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 158(11): 1143-1174 (2007)
7EEUlrich Höhle: Fuzzy sets and sheaves. Part II: : Sheaf-theoretic foundations of fuzzy set theory with applications to algebra and topology. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 158(11): 1175-1212 (2007)
6EEUlrich Höhle: Topological aspects of non-convergent sequences--a comment on Burgin's concept of fuzzy limits. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 149(3): 399-412 (2005)
5EEUlrich Höhle: Book Review: "Metamathematics of fuzzy logic" by Petr Hájek. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 133(3): 411-412 (2003)
4EEUlrich Höhle: A note on the hypergraph functor. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 131(3): 353-356 (2002)
3EEUlrich Höhle: Many-valued equalities, singletons and fuzzy partitions. Soft Comput. 2(3): 134-140 (1998)
2 Ulrich Höhle: GL-Quantales: Q-Valued Sets and Their Singletons. Studia Logica 61(1): 123-148 (1998)
1EEUlrich Höhle, Nicole Blanchard: Partial ordering in L-underdeterminate sets. Inf. Sci. 35(2): 133-144 (1985)

Coauthor Index

1Nicole Blanchard [1]
2Tomasz Kubiak [9] [10]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)