
Alexander Hämmerle

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5EEAlexander Hämmerle, Anthony Karageorgos, Michael Pirker, Alois Reitbauer, Georg Weichhart: A role-based infrastructure for customised agent system development in supply networks. SMC (5) 2004: 4692-4699
4 Georg Weichhart, Alexander Hämmerle, Kurt Fessl: Service-Oriented Concept of a Holonic Enterprise - Enabling Adaptive Networks Along the Value Chain. BASYS 2002: 289-296
3EEAlexander Hämmerle, Georg Weichhart, Kurt Fessl: The MaBE Project: An Agent-Based Environment for Business Networks. DEXA Workshops 2002: 646-652
2 Klaus Glanzer, Alexander Hämmerle, Ralf Geurts: The Appliance of ZEUS Agents in Manufacturing Systems. DEXA Workshop 2001: 628-632
1EEKlaus Glanzer, Alexander Hämmerle, Ralf Geurts: An Integral Implementation of a Machine-Holon Applying the ZEUS Agent Framework. Multi-Agent-Systems and Applications 2001: 296-307

Coauthor Index

1Kurt Fessl [3] [4]
2Ralf Geurts [1] [2]
3Klaus Glanzer [1] [2]
4Anthony Karageorgos [5]
5Michael Pirker [5]
6Alois Reitbauer [5]
7Georg Weichhart [3] [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)