
Arto Hämäläinen

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3EEBishal Raj Karki, Arto Hämäläinen, Jari Porras: Social networking on mobile environment. Middleware (Companion) 2008: 93-94
2EEArto Hämäläinen, Jani Wunsch, Jari Porras: Implementing remote monitoring to the PeerHood middleware. Middleware (Companion) 2008: 97-98
1EEJi Zhang, Arto Hämäläinen, Jari Porras: Addressing mobility issues in mobile environment. Mobile Middleware 2008: 3

Coauthor Index

1Bishal Raj Karki [3]
2Jari Porras [1] [2] [3]
3Jani Wunsch [2]
4Ji Zhang [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)