
Péter Hága

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8EEPéter Hága, István Csabai, Ferenc Tóth, Gábor Vattay: Relative rate reduction based control with adjustable congestion level. TRIDENTCOM 2008: 10
7EEGábor Simon, József Steger, Péter Hága, István Csabai, Gábor Vattay: Measuring the Dynamical State of the Internet: Large Scale Network Tomography via the ETOMIC Infrastructure CoRR abs/0801.4158: (2008)
6EEPeter Matray, István Csabai, Péter Hága, József Steger, Laszlo Dobos, Gábor Vattay: Building a prototype for network measurement virtual observatory. MineNet 2007: 23-28
5EEPéter Hága, Krisztián Diriczi, Gábor Vattay, István Csabai: Granular model of packet pair separation in Poissonian traffic. Computer Networks 51(3): 683-698 (2007)
4EEIstván Csabai, Péter Hága, Peter Matray, Gábor Simon, József Steger, Gábor Vattay: Results of Large-Scale Queueing Delay Tomography Performed in the ETOMIC Infrastructure. INFOCOM 2006
3EEPéter Hága, Krisztián Diriczi, Gábor Vattay, István Csabai: Understanding Packet Pair Separation Beyond the Fluid Model: The Key Role of Traffic Granularity. INFOCOM 2006
2EEDaniel Morató, Eduardo Magaña, Mikel Izal, Javier Aracil, Francisco José Naranjo, Patxi Astiz, Ulisses Alonso, István Csabai, Péter Hága, Gábor Simon, József Steger, Gábor Vattay: The European Traffic Observatory Measurement Infraestructure (ETOMIC): A Testbed for Universal Active and Passive Measurements. TRIDENTCOM 2005: 283-289
1EEPéter Hága, Péter Pollner, Gábor Simon, István Csabai, Gábor Vattay: Self-generated Self-similar Traffic CoRR physics/0402078: (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Ulisses Alonso [2]
2Javier Aracil [2]
3Patxi Astiz [2]
4István Csabai [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
5Krisztián Diriczi [3] [5]
6Laszlo Dobos [6]
7Mikel Izal [2]
8Eduardo Magaña [2]
9Peter Matray [4] [6]
10Daniel Morató [2]
11Francisco José Naranjo [2]
12Péter Pollner [1]
13Gábor Simon [1] [2] [4] [7]
14József Steger [2] [4] [6] [7]
15Ferenc Tóth [8]
16Gábor Vattay [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)