
Henryk Gzyl

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7EEAbel Rodriguez, Henryk Gzyl, German Molina, Enrique ter Horst: Stochastic Volatility Models Including Open, Close, High and Low Prices CoRR abs/0901.1315: (2009)
6EEHenryk Gzyl, Pierluigi Novi Inverardi, Aldo Tagliani: In search of the best approximant. Applied Mathematics and Computation 189(1): 652-661 (2007)
5EEHenryk Gzyl, German Molina, Enrique ter Horst: Assessment and Propagation of Input Uncertainty in Tree-based Option Pricing Models CoRR abs/0704.1768: (2007)
4EEHenryk Gzyl, Enrique ter Horst: Filtering Additive Measurement Noise with Maximum Entropy in the Mean CoRR abs/0709.0509: (2007)
3EEHenryk Gzyl, Pierluigi Novi Inverardi, Aldo Tagliani, Minaya Villasana: Maxentropic solution of fractional moment problems. Applied Mathematics and Computation 173(1): 109-125 (2006)
2EEHenryk Gzyl, Enrique ter Horst, Samuel Malone: Towards a Bayesian framework for option pricing CoRR abs/cs/0610053: (2006)
1EEHenryk Gzyl, Yurayh Velasquez: Linear reconstruction problems with convex constraints: influence of the a priori data. Applied Mathematics and Computation 109(2-3): 189-198 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Enrique ter Horst [2] [4] [5] [7]
2Pierluigi Novi Inverardi [3] [6]
3Samuel Malone [2]
4German Molina [5] [7]
5Abel Rodriguez [7]
6Aldo Tagliani [3] [6]
7Yurayh Velasquez [1]
8Minaya Villasana [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)