
David A. Gwaltney

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6EEGeoffrey A. Hollinger, David A. Gwaltney: Evolutionary design of fault-tolerant analog control for a piezoelectric pipe-crawling robot. GECCO 2006: 761-768
5EEDavid A. Gwaltney, Michael I. Ferguson: Enabling the On-line Intrinsic Evolution of Analog Controllers. Evolvable Hardware 2005: 3-11
4EEDavid A. Gwaltney, Kenneth Dutton: A VHDL Core for Intrinsic Evolution of Discrete Time Filters with Signal Feedback. Evolvable Hardware 2005: 43-50
3EEJames Hereford, David A. Gwaltney: Design Space Issues for Intrinsic Evolvable Hardware. Evolvable Hardware 2004: 231-
2EEDavid A. Gwaltney, Michael I. Ferguson: Intrinsic Hardware Evolution for the Design and Reconfiguration of Analog Speed Controllers for a DC Motor. Evolvable Hardware 2003: 81-90
1EEDavid A. Gwaltney, Michael I. Ferguson: Hardware Evolution of Analog Speed Controllers for a DC Motor. GECCO 2003: 442-453

Coauthor Index

1Kenneth Dutton [4]
2Michael I. Ferguson [1] [2] [5]
3James Hereford [3]
4Geoffrey A. Hollinger [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)