
Josef Guttmann

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2 Steven Ganzert, Josef Guttmann, Kristian Kersting, Ralf Kuhlen, Christian Putensen, Michael Sydow, Stefan Kramer: Analysis of respiratory pressure-volume curves in intensive care medicine using inductive machine learning. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 26(1-2): 69-86 (2002)
1EEHolger Steltner, Richard Staats, Michael Vogel, Christian Virchow, Heinrich Matthys, Josef Guttmann, Jens Timmer: Detection and Classification of Sleep-Disordered Breathing Using Acoustic Respiratory Input Impedance and Nasal Pressure. ISMDA 2000: 61-66

Coauthor Index

1Steven Ganzert [2]
2Kristian Kersting [2]
3Stefan Kramer [2]
4Ralf Kuhlen [2]
5Heinrich Matthys [1]
6Christian Putensen [2]
7Richard Staats [1]
8Holger Steltner [1]
9Michael Sydow [2]
10Jens Timmer [1]
11Christian Virchow [1]
12Michael Vogel [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)