
Peter Gutmann

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8EEPeter Gutmann: PKI design for the real world. NSPW 2006: 109-116
7EEPeter Gutmann, David Naccache, Charles C. Palmer: When Hashes Collide. IEEE Security & Privacy 3(3): 68-71 (2005)
6EEPeter Gutmann, Ian Grigg: Security Usability. IEEE Security & Privacy 3(4): 56-58 (2005)
5EEPeter Gutmann: Simplifying Public Key Management. IEEE Computer 37(2): 101-103 (2004)
4EEPeter Gutmann: Lessons Learned in Implementing and Deploying Crypto Software. USENIX Security Symposium 2002: 315-325
3EEPeter Gutmann: PKI: It's Not Dead, Just Resting. IEEE Computer 35(8): 41-49 (2002)
2EEPeter Gutmann: A Reliable, Scalable General-Purpose Certificate Store. ACSAC 2000: 278-287
1 Jenny Shearer, Peter Gutmann: Government, Cryptography, and the Right to Privacy. J. UCS 2(3): 113-146 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Ian Grigg [6]
2David Naccache [7]
3Charles C. Palmer [7]
4Jenny Shearer [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)