
Raj Gururajan

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4EEAbdul Hafeez-Baig, Shelly Grist, Raj Gururajan: Technology Management, Data management, Improved outcomes, Efficiency and Software limitation influencing the use of wireless technology for healthcare in Pakistan. ACIS-ICIS 2007: 1104-1110
3EEShelly Grist, Abdul Hafeez-Baig, Raj Gururajan, Shamim Khan: Clinical Usefulness is the Key Common Determinant of Adoption of Wireless Technology in Healthcare for India and Australia. ICMB 2007: 66
2EEHeng-Sheng Tsai, Raj Gururajan: Motivations and Challenges for M-Business Transformation: A Multiple-Case Study. JTAER 2(2): 19-33 (2007)
1EERaj Gururajan, San Murugesan: Wireless Solutions Developed for the Australian Healthcare: A Review. ICMB 2005: 472-478

Coauthor Index

1Shelly Grist [3] [4]
2Abdul Hafeez-Baig [3] [4]
3Shamim Khan [3]
4San Murugesan [1]
5Heng-Sheng Tsai [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)