
Sarbari Gupta

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8EESarbari Gupta: Personal identity verification (PIV) cards as federated identities: challenges and opportunities. IDtrust 2009: 15-22
7 Chuck Williams, Nevenko Zunic, Stephen M. Matyas, Sarbari Gupta, Michael Willett: Key Recovery Alliance (KRA) Technology Papers, Special Issue Introduction. Computers & Security 19(1): 18-20 (2000)
6 Sarbari Gupta: A Common Key Recovery Block Format: Promoting Interoperability Between Dissimilar Key Recovery Mechanisms. Computers & Security 19(1): 41-47 (2000)
5 Sarbari Gupta, Stephen M. Matyas: Public Key Infrastructure: Analysis of Existing and Needed Protocols and Object Formats for Key Recovery. Computers & Security 19(1): 56-68 (2000)
4EESarbari Gupta, Jerry Mulvenna, Srinivas Ganta, Larry Keys, Dale Walters: Interoperability Characteristics of S/MIME Products. CQRE 1999: 229-241
3 Sarbari Gupta: Object-Oriented Security in the Trusted MachTM Operating System. Security for Object-Oriented Systems 1993: 90-95
2 Sarbari Gupta, Virgil D. Gligor: Towards a Theory of Penetration-Resistant Systems and its Applications. Journal of Computer Security 1(2): 133-158 (1992)
1 Sarbari Gupta, Virgil D. Gligor: Towards a Theory of Penetration-Resistant Systems and its Applications. CSFW 1991: 62-78

Coauthor Index

1Srinivas Ganta [4]
2Virgil D. Gligor [1] [2]
3Larry Keys [4]
4Stephen M. Matyas [5] [7]
5Jerry Mulvenna [4]
6Dale Walters [4]
7Michael Willett [7]
8Chuck Williams [7]
9Nevenko Zunic [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)