
Prahlad Gupta

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4EEWilliam W. Graves, Thomas J. Grabowski, Sonya Mehta, Prahlad Gupta: The Left Posterior Superior Temporal Gyrus Participates Specifically in Accessing Lexical Phonology. J. Cognitive Neuroscience 20(9): 1698-1710 (2008)
3 Prahlad Gupta, David S. Touretzky: Connectionist Models and Linguistic Theory: Investigations of Stress Systems in Language. Cognitive Science 18(1): 1-50 (1994)
2 Prahlad Gupta: Commentary on Daelemans, Gillis, and Durieux. Computational Linguistics 20(3): 452 (1994)
1EEPrahlad Gupta, David S. Touretzky: A Connectionist Learning Approach to Analyzing Linguistic Stress. NIPS 1991: 225-232

Coauthor Index

1Thomas J. Grabowski [4]
2William W. Graves [4]
3Sonya Mehta [4]
4David S. Touretzky [1] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)