
Yuepu Guo

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3EECarolyn B. Seaman, Forrest Shull, Myrna Regardie, Denis Elbert, Raimund L. Feldmann, Yuepu Guo, Sally Godfrey: Defect categorization: making use of a decade of widely varying historical data. ESEM 2008: 149-157
2EEYuepu Guo, Carolyn B. Seaman: A survey of software project managers on software process change. ESEM 2008: 263-269
1EEYuepu Guo, Sreedevi Sampath: Web application fault classification - an exploratory study. ESEM 2008: 303-305

Coauthor Index

1Denis Elbert [3]
2Raimund L. Feldmann [3]
3Sally Godfrey [3]
4Myrna Regardie [3]
5Sreedevi Sampath [1]
6Carolyn B. Seaman [2] [3]
7Forrest Shull [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)