
Tor Guimaraes

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16 Victoria Y. Yoon, Peter Aiken, Tor Guimaraes: Applying a Metadata Framework to Improve Data Quality. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (I) 2005: 146-151
15EER. Eric Hostler, Victoria Y. Yoon, Tor Guimaraes: Assessing the impact of internet agent on end users' performance. Decision Support Systems 41(1): 313-323 (2005)
14EEMarco Tagliavini, Jennifer Moro, Aurelio Ravarini, Tor Guimaraes: Shaping CIO's competencies and activities to improve company performance: an empirical study. ECIS 2003
13 Tor Guimaraes, D. Sandy Staples, James D. McKeen: Empirically Testing Some Main User Related Factors for Systems Development Quality. IQ 2002: 317-330
12EERadhika Santhanam, Tor Guimaraes, Joey F. George: An empirical investigation of ODSS impact on individuals and organizations. Decision Support Systems 30(1): 51-72 (2000)
11EETor Guimaraes: Exploring manufacturing companies' effectiveness in Competitive Intelligence, IS support and business change. IJMTM 2(1-7): 479-491 (2000)
10 Tor Guimaraes, Youngohc Yoon, Aaron Clevenson: Exploring Some Determinants of ES Quality. IQ 1997: 117-131
9EEYoungohc Yoon, Tor Guimaraes, Quinton O'Neal: Exploring the Factors Associated with Expert Systems Success. MIS Quarterly 19(1): (1995)
8EEJames D. McKeen, Tor Guimaraes, James C. Wetherbe: A Comparative Analysis of MIS Project Selection Mechanisms. DATA BASE 25(1): 43-59 (1994)
7EEJames D. McKeen, Tor Guimaraes, James C. Wetherbe: A Comparative Analysis of MIS Project Selection Mechanisms. DATA BASE 25(3): 19-39 (1994)
6 Tor Guimaraes, James D. McKeen: User Participation in Information System Development: Moderation in All Things. Human, Organizational, and Social Dimensions of Information Systems Development 1993: 171-192
5EEYash P. Gupta, Tor Guimaraes, T. S. Raghunathan: Personal computing problems and some organizational factors: A multivariate analysis. Computers & OR 16(5): 419-430 (1989)
4EETor Guimaraes, James D. McKeen: The Process of Selecting Information System Projects. DATA BASE 20(2): 18-24 (1989)
3 James D. McKeen, Tor Guimaraes: Selecting MIS Projects By Steering Commitee. Commun. ACM 28(12): 1344-1352 (1985)
2 Tor Guimaraes: A Study of Application Program Development Techniques. Commun. ACM 28(5): 494-499 (1985)
1 Tor Guimaraes: Managing Application Program Maintenance Expenditures. Commun. ACM 26(10): 739-746 (1983)

Coauthor Index

1Peter Aiken [16]
2Aaron Clevenson [10]
3Joey F. George [12]
4Yash P. Gupta [5]
5R. Eric Hostler [15]
6James D. McKeen [3] [4] [6] [7] [8] [13]
7Jennifer Moro [14]
8Quinton O'Neal [9]
9T. S. Raghunathan [5]
10Aurelio Ravarini [14]
11Radhika Santhanam [12]
12D. Sandy Staples [13]
13Marco Tagliavini [14]
14James C. Wetherbe [7] [8]
15Victoria Y. Yoon (Youngohc Yoon) [9] [10] [15] [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)