
Esther Guerra

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23EEPaolo Bottoni, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara: Formal Foundation for Pattern-Based Modelling. FASE 2009: 278-293
22EEJuan de Lara, Esther Guerra: Pattern-Based Model-to-Model Transformation. ICGT 2008: 426-441
21EEJordi Cabot, Robert Clarisó, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara: Analysing Graph Transformation Rules through OCL. ICMT 2008: 229-244
20EEJordi Cabot, Robert Clarisó, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara: An Invariant-Based Method for the Analysis of Declarative Model-to-Model Transformations. MoDELS 2008: 37-52
19EEJosé Eduardo Rivera, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara, Antonio Vallecillo: Analyzing Rule-Based Behavioral Semantics of Visual Modeling Languages with Maude. SLE 2008: 54-73
18EEEsther Guerra, Paloma Díaz, Juan de Lara: Visual Specification of Metrics for Domain Specific Visual Languages. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 211: 99-110 (2008)
17EEEsther Guerra, Juan de Lara, Paloma Díaz: Visual specification of measurements and redesigns for domain specific visual languages. J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 19(3): 399-425 (2008)
16EEPaolo Bottoni, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara: Enforced generative patterns for the specification of the syntax and semantics of visual languages. J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 19(4): 429-455 (2008)
15EEFrancisco Pérez Andrés, Juan de Lara, Esther Guerra: Domain Specific Languages with Graphical and Textual Views. AGTIVE 2007: 82-97
14EEEsther Guerra, Daniel Sanz, Paloma Díaz, Ignacio Aedo: A Transformation-Driven Approach to the Verification of Security Policies in Web Designs. ICWE 2007: 269-284
13 Alexandre Muzy, Juan de Lara, Esther Guerra: Designing PRIMA: A Precise Visual Language for Modeling with Agents, in a Physical environment. MSV 2007: 231-238
12EEPaolo Bottoni, Juan de Lara, Esther Guerra: Action Patterns for the Incremental Specification of the Execution Semantics of Visual Languages. VL/HCC 2007: 163-170
11EEEsther Guerra, Juan de Lara, Alessio Malizia: Model Driven Formal Development of Digital Libraries. WEBIST (Selected Papers) 2007: 169-183
10EEEsther Guerra, Juan de Lara: Adding Recursion to Graph Transformation. ECEASST 6: (2007)
9EEJuan de Lara, Esther Guerra, Paolo Bottoni: Triple Patterns: Compact Specifications for the Generation of Operational Triple Graph Grammar Rules. ECEASST 6: (2007)
8EEEsther Guerra, Juan de Lara: Event-driven grammars: relating abstract and concrete levels of visual languages. Software and System Modeling 6(3): 317-347 (2007)
7EEEsther Guerra, Juan de Lara: Model View Management with Triple Graph Transformation Systems. ICGT 2006: 351-366
6EEJuan de Lara, Esther Guerra: Formal Support for Model Driven Development with Graph Transformation Techniques. DSDM 2005
5 Esther Guerra, Paloma Díaz, Juan de Lara: Supporting the Automatic Generation of Advanced Modelling Environments with Graph Transformation Techniques. JISBD 2005: 67-74
4EEEsther Guerra, Paloma Díaz, Juan de Lara: A Formal Approach to the Generation of Visual Language Environments Supporting Multiple Views. VL/HCC 2005: 284-286
3EEEsther Guerra, Juan de Lara: Event-Driven Grammars: Towards the Integration of Meta-modelling and Graph Transformation. ICGT 2004: 54-69
2EEJuan de Lara, Esther Guerra, Hans Vangheluwe: Meta-Modelling, Graph Transformation and Model Checking for the Analysis of Hybrid Systems. AGTIVE 2003: 292-298
1 Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara: A Framework for the Verification of UML Models. Examples Using Petri Nets. JISBD 2003: 325-334

Coauthor Index

1Ignacio Aedo [14]
2Francisco Pérez Andrés [15]
3Paolo Bottoni [9] [12] [16] [23]
4Jordi Cabot [20] [21]
5Robert Clarisó [20] [21]
6Paloma Díaz [4] [5] [14] [17] [18]
7Juan de Lara (Juan de Lara Jaramillo) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23]
8Alessio Malizia [11]
9Alexandre Muzy [13]
10José Eduardo Rivera [19]
11Daniel Sanz [14]
12Antonio Vallecillo [19]
13Hans Vangheluwe [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)