
Zailin Guan

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4EEChaoyong Zhang, Peigen Li, Yunqing Rao, Zailin Guan: A very fast TS/SA algorithm for the job shop scheduling problem. Computers & OR 35(1): 282-294 (2008)
3EEChaoyong Zhang, Peigen Li, Zailin Guan, Yunqing Rao: A tabu search algorithm with a new neighborhood structure for the job shop scheduling problem. Computers & OR 34(11): 3229-3242 (2007)
2EETao Cheng, Zailin Guan, Liming Liu, Bo Wu, Shuzi Yang: A CORBA-Based Multi-Agent System Integration Framework. ICECCS 2004: 191-198
1EELei Ming, Zailin Guan, Shuzi Yang: Mobile robot fuzzy control optimization using genetic algorithm. AI in Engineering 10(4): 293-298 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Tao Cheng [2]
2Peigen Li [3] [4]
3Liming Liu [2]
4Lei Ming [1]
5Yunqing Rao [3] [4]
6Bo Wu [2]
7Shuzi Yang [1] [2]
8Chaoyong Zhang [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)