
Mingyang Gu

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11EEXin Tong, Mingyang Gu: Query-sensitive Feature Selection for Lazy Learners. CIDM 2007: 59-65
10EEMingyang Gu, Agnar Aamodt: Evaluating CBR Systems Using Different Data Sources: A Case Study. ECCBR 2006: 121-135
9 Mingyang Gu, Agnar Aamodt: Dialog Learning in Conversational CBR. FLAIRS Conference 2006: 358-363
8EEMingyang Gu, Ketil Bø: Component Retrieval Using Knowledge-Intensive Conversational CBR. IEA/AIE 2006: 554-563
7 Xin Tong, Mingyang Gu: A Framework for Grouping and Comparing Feature Weighting Methods. Artificial Intelligence and Applications 2005: 697-702
6EEMingyang Gu, Agnar Aamodt: A Knowledge-Intensive Method for Conversational CBR. ICCBR 2005: 296-311
5EEMingyang Gu, Xin Tong, Agnar Aamodt: Comparing similarity calculation methods in conversational CBR. IRI 2005: 427-432
4EEMingyang Gu: Supporting Generalized Cases in Conversational CBR. MICAI 2005: 544-553
3EEMingyang Gu, Xin Tong: An Intelligent Component Retrieval System Using Conversational CBR. COMPSAC Workshops 2004: 47-48
2EEMingyang Gu, Agnar Aamodt, Xin Tong: Component Retrieval Using Conversational Case-Based Reasoning. Intelligent Information Processing 2004: 259-271
1EEMingyang Gu, Xin Tong: Towards Hypotheses on Creativity in Software Development. PROFES 2004: 47-61

Coauthor Index

1Agnar Aamodt [2] [5] [6] [9] [10]
2Ketil Bø [8]
3Xin Tong [1] [2] [3] [5] [7] [11]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)