
Dawu Gu

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10EEWei Li, Dawu Gu, Yi Wang: Differential fault analysis on the contracting UFN structure, with application to SMS4 and MacGuffin. Journal of Systems and Software 82(2): 346-354 (2009)
9EEMengqi Zeng, Fangyong Hou, Dawu Gu, Yuanyuan Zhang, NingNan Song: Efficient Authenticated Encryption for Hybrid Hard Drives Based on GCM. HPCC 2008: 964-970
8EEBing Duan, Yinqian Zhang, Dawu Gu: An Easy-to-Deploy Penetration Testing Platform. ICYCS 2008: 2314-2318
7EEYanli Ren, Dawu Gu: Secure Hierarchical Identity Based Encryption Scheme in the Standard Model. INDOCRYPT 2008: 104-115
6EEFangyong Hou, Dawu Gu, Nong Xiao, Zhiping Cai: Efficient disk encryption and verification through trusted nonce. ISCC 2008: 304-309
5EEYuanyuan Zhang, Dawu Gu, Juanru Li: Exploiting unidirectional links for key establishment protocols in heterogeneous sensor networks. Computer Communications 31(13): 2959-2971 (2008)
4EEWei Li, Dawu Gu, Juanru Li: Differential fault analysis on the ARIA algorithm. Inf. Sci. 178(19): 3727-3737 (2008)
3EENing Ding, Dawu Gu: A Discrete-Logarithm Based Non-interactive Non-malleable Commitment Scheme with an Online Knowledge Extractor. Inscrypt 2007: 153-166
2EEWei Li, Dawu Gu: An Approach for Symmetric Encryption Against Side Channel Attacks in Provable Security. ProvSec 2007: 178-187
1EEWeidong Qiu, Kefei Chen, Dawu Gu: A New Offline Privacy Protecting E-cash System with Revokable Anonymity. ISC 2002: 177-190

Coauthor Index

1Zhiping Cai [6]
2Kefei Chen [1]
3Ning Ding [3]
4Bing Duan [8]
5Fangyong Hou [6] [9]
6Juanru Li [4] [5]
7Wei Li [2] [4] [10]
8Weidong Qiu [1]
9Yanli Ren [7]
10NingNan Song [9]
11Yi Wang [10]
12Nong Xiao [6]
13Mengqi Zeng [9]
14Yinqian Zhang [8]
15Yuanyuan Zhang [5] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)