
Alexander Gruler

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7EEAlexander Gruler, Martin Leucker, Kathrin D. Scheidemann: Modeling and Model Checking Software Product Lines. FMOODS 2008: 113-131
6EEAlexander Gruler, Martin Leucker, Kathrin D. Scheidemann: Calculating and Modeling Common Parts of Software Product Lines. SPLC 2008: 203-212
5EEJewgenij Botaschanjan, Manfred Broy, Alexander Gruler, Alexander Harhurin, Steffen Knapp, Leonid Kof, Wolfgang J. Paul, Maria Spichkova: On the correctness of upper layers of automotive systems. Formal Asp. Comput. 20(6): 637-662 (2008)
4EEAlexander Gruler, Alexander Harhurin, Judith Hartmann: Modeling the Functionality of Multi-Functional Software Systems. ECBS 2007: 349-358
3EEAlexander Gruler, Alexander Harhurin, Judith Hartmann: Development and Configuration of Service-based Product Lines. SPLC 2007: 107-116
2EEJewgenij Botaschanjan, Alexander Gruler, Alexander Harhurin, Leonid Kof, Maria Spichkova, David Trachtenherz: Towards Modularized Verification of Distributed Time-Triggered Systems. FM 2006: 163-178
1 Alexander Gruler, Christian Heinlein: Exception Handling with Resumption: Design and Implementation in Java. PLC 2005: 165-171

Coauthor Index

1Jewgenij Botaschanjan [2] [5]
2Manfred Broy [5]
3Alexander Harhurin [2] [3] [4] [5]
4Judith Hartmann [3] [4]
5Christian Heinlein [1]
6Steffen Knapp [5]
7Leonid Kof [2] [5]
8Martin Leucker [6] [7]
9Wolfgang J. Paul [5]
10Kathrin D. Scheidemann [6] [7]
11Maria Spichkova [2] [5]
12David Trachtenherz [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)