
Tony H. Grubesic

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4EETimothy C. Matisziw, Tony H. Grubesic, H. Wei: Downscaling spatial structure for the analysis of epidemiological data. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 32(1): 81-93 (2008)
3EETony H. Grubesic: A spatial taxonomy of broadband regions in the United States. Information Economics and Policy 18(4): 423-448 (2006)
2EETony H. Grubesic: The geodemographic correlates of broadband access and availability in the United States. Telematics and Informatics 21(4): 335-358 (2004)
1EETony H. Grubesic, Morton E. O'Kelly, Alan T. Murray: A geographic perspective on commercial Internet survivability. Telematics and Informatics 20(1): 51-69 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Timothy C. Matisziw [4]
2Alan T. Murray [1]
3Morton E. O'Kelly [1]
4H. Wei [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)