
Jerneja Gros

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10 Jerneja Gros, Ales Mihelic, Nikola Pavesic, Mario Zganec, Stanislav Gruden: Slovenian Text-to-Speech Synthesis for Speech User Interfaces. WEC (5) 2005: 216-220
9EENikola Pavesic, Jerneja Gros, Simon Dobrisek, France Mihelic: Homer II - man-machine interface to internet for blind and visually impaired people. Computer Communications 26(5): 438-443 (2003)
8EESimon Dobrisek, Jerneja Gros, Bostjan Vesnicer, France Mihelic, Nikola Pavesic: A Voice-Driven Web Browser for Blind People. TSD 2002: 453-460
7EEJerneja Gros, France Mihelic, Nikola Pavesic, Mario Zganec, Ales Mihelic, Marko Knez, Ales Mercun, Darko Skerl: The Phonetic SMS Reader. TSD 2001: 334-340
6EEFrance Mihelic, Jerneja Gros, Elmar Nöth, Volker Warnke: Recognition and Labelling of Prosodic Events in Slovenian Speech. TSD 2000: 165-170
5EEJerneja Gros, France Mihelic, Simon Dobrisek, Tomaz Erjavec, Mario Zganec: Rules for Automatic Grapheme-to-Allophone Transcription in Slovene. TSD 2000: 171-176
4EEJerneja Gros, France Mihelic, Nikola Pavesic: Slovene Interactive Text-to-Speech Evaluation Site - SITES. TSD 1999: 223-228
3EEJerneja Gros, France Mihelic, Nikola Pavesic: Rules for Automatic Grapheme-to-Allophone Transcription in Slovene. TSD 1999: 241-247
2EEJanez Zibert, Jerneja Gros, Simon Dobrisek, France Mihelic: Language Model Representations for the GOPOLIS Database. TSD 1999: 380-383
1EEJerneja Gros, Ivo Ipsic, Simon Dobrisek, France Mihelic, Nikola Pavesic: Segmentation and Labelling of Slovenian Diphone Inventories. COLING 1996: 298-303

Coauthor Index

1Simon Dobrisek [1] [2] [5] [8] [9]
2Tomaz Erjavec [5]
3Stanislav Gruden [10]
4Ivo Ipsic [1]
5Marko Knez [7]
6Ales Mercun [7]
7Ales Mihelic [7] [10]
8France Mihelic [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
9Elmar Nöth [6]
10Nikola Pavesic [1] [3] [4] [7] [8] [9] [10]
11Darko Skerl [7]
12Bostjan Vesnicer [8]
13Volker Warnke [6]
14Mario Zganec [5] [7] [10]
15Janez Zibert [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)