
Thomas Grill

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5EEKarin Anna Hummel, Andrea Hess, Thomas Grill: Environmental context sensing for usability evaluation in mobile HCI by means of small wireless sensor networks. MoMM 2008: 302-306
4EEBettina Biel, Thomas Grill, Volker Gruhn: Patterns of trust in ubiquitous environments. MoMM 2008: 391-396
3EEThomas Grill, Margit Blauhut: Design Patterns Applied in a User Interface Design (UID) Process for Safety Critical Environments (SCEs). USAB 2008: 459-474
2 Thomas Grill, Reinhard Kronsteiner: Structured Context Blogging in Ubiquitous Environments. MoMM 2006: 179-188
1EEThomas Grill, Reinhard Kronsteiner, Gabriele Kotsis: Sharing Culture - Enabling technologies for Communication Support. CW 2003: 11-17

Coauthor Index

1Bettina Biel [4]
2Margit Blauhut [3]
3Volker Gruhn [4]
4Andrea Hess [5]
5Karin Anna Hummel (Karin A. Hummel) [5]
6Gabriele Kotsis [1]
7Reinhard Kronsteiner [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)