
Kenneth A. Griggs

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11EERosemary H. Wild, Kenneth A. Griggs: A funding choice decision model for financing promising e-government services. EG 3(3): 241-255 (2006)
10 Kenneth A. Griggs, Rosemary H. Wild: Financing e-Government: A Study of Issues, Models, and Funding Strategies. ECEG 2005: 193-202
9EERosemary H. Wild, Kenneth A. Griggs, Eldon Y. Li: An architecture for distributed scenario building and evaluation. Commun. ACM 48(11): 80-86 (2005)
8EERosemary H. Wild, Kenneth A. Griggs: A web portal/decision support system architecture for collaborative intra-governmental planning. EG 1(1): 61-76 (2004)
7 Rosemary H. Wild, Don Vance, Kenneth A. Griggs: SimPersonnel: a prototype policy simulation model for enterprise-wide manpower management in the U.S. Navy. International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management 1(3): (2003)
6EERosemary H. Wild, Kenneth A. Griggs, Tanya Downing: A framework for e-learning as a tool for knowledge management. Industrial Management and Data Systems 102(7): 371-380 (2002)
5EEWilliam C. Remus, Marcus O'Connor, Kenneth A. Griggs: Does Feedback Improve The Accuracy Of Recurrent Judgmental Forecasts?. HICSS (3) 1997: 5-6
4EEWilliam C. Remus, Kenneth A. Griggs, Marcus O'Connor: The impact of rumors on the judgmental forecasting process. HICSS (3) 1995: 160-166
3 JingXiang He, Kenneth A. Griggs: A Tool for Hypertext-Based Systems Analysis and Dynamic Evaluation. HICSS (3) 1994: 5-14
2 Timothy R. Hill, Kenneth A. Griggs: Neural Networks in Organization: Introduction. HICSS (3) 1994: 620
1 Suleiman K. Kassicieh, David V. Gibson, Kenneth A. Griggs: Issues in Technology Transfer: Introduction. HICSS (4) 1994: 464

Coauthor Index

1Tanya Downing [6]
2David V. Gibson [1]
3JingXiang He [3]
4Timothy R. Hill [2]
5Suleiman K. Kassicieh [1]
6Eldon Y. Li [9]
7Marcus O'Connor [4] [5]
8William C. Remus [4] [5]
9Don Vance [7]
10Rosemary H. Wild [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)