
Hayit Greenspan

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45EEShelly Lotenberg, Shiri Gordon, Hayit Greenspan: Shape Priors for Segmentation of the Cervix Region Within Uterine Cervix Images. J. Digital Imaging 22(3): 286-296 (2009)
44EEOrly Zvitia, Arnaldo Mayer, Hayit Greenspan: Adaptive mean-shift registration of white matter tractographies. ISBI 2008: 692-695
43EEArnaldo Mayer, Hayit Greenspan: Bundles of interest based registration of White Matter tractographies. ISBI 2008: 919-922
42EEJacob Goldberger, Hayit Greenspan, Jeremie Dreyfuss: An Optimal Reduced Representation of a MoG with Applicatios to Medical Image Database Classification. CVPR 2007
41EEOmer Rotem, Hayit Greenspan, Jacob Goldberger: Combining Region and Edge Cues for Image Segmentation in a Probabilistic Gaussian Mixture Framework. CVPR 2007
40EESigal Trattner, Micha Feigin, Hayit Greenspan, Nir A. Sochen: Can Born Approximate the Unborn? A New Validity Criterion for the Born Approximation in Microscopic Imaging. ICCV 2007: 1-8
39EEShiri Gordon, Hayit Greenspan: Segmentation of Non-convex Regions within Uterine Cervix Images. ISBI 2007: 312-315
38EEOren Freifeld, Hayit Greenspan, Jacob Goldberger: Lesion Detection in Noisy Mr Brain Images Using Constrained Gmm and Active Contours. ISBI 2007: 596-599
37EEHayit Greenspan, Adi Pinhas: Medical Image Categorization and Retrieval for PACS Using the GMM-KL Framework. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 11(2): 190-202 (2007)
36EEGali Zimmerman, Shiri Gordon, Hayit Greenspan: Automatic landmark detection in uterine cervix images for indexing in a content-retrieval system. ISBI 2006: 1348-1351
35EEArnaldo Mayer, Hayit Greenspan: Segmentation of brain MRI by adaptive mean shift. ISBI 2006: 319-322
34EEHayit Greenspan, Amit Ruf, Jacob Goldberger: Constrained Gaussian mixture model framework for automatic segmentation of MR brain images. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 25(9): 1233-1245 (2006)
33EEJacob Goldberger, Hayit Greenspan: Context-Based Segmentation of Image Sequences. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 28(3): 463-468 (2006)
32EEJacob Goldberger, Shiri Gordon, Hayit Greenspan: Unsupervised image-set clustering using an information theoretic framework. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 15(2): 449-458 (2006)
31EEAmit Ruf, Hayit Greenspan, Jacob Goldberger: Tissue Classification of Noisy MR Brain Images Using Constrained GMM. MICCAI (2) 2005: 790-797
30EEShiri Gordon, Gali Zimmerman, Hayit Greenspan: Image Segmentation of Uterine Cervix Images for Indexing in PACS. CBMS 2004: 298-303
29EEAllon Shahar, Hayit Greenspan: Probabilistic Spatial-Temporal Segmentation of Multiple Sclerosis Lesions. ECCV Workshops CVAMIA and MMBIA 2004: 269-280
28EESigal Trattner, Hayit Greenspan, Gabi Tepper, Shimon Abboud: Statistical Imaging for Modeling and Identification of Bacterial Types. ECCV Workshops CVAMIA and MMBIA 2004: 329-340
27 Allon Shahar, Hayit Greenspan: A Probabilistic Framework for the Detection and Tracking in Time of Multiple Sclerosis Lesions. ISBI 2004: 440-443
26 Oron Shechner, Hayit Greenspan, Mickey Sheinovitz, Micha Feinberg: Image Analysis of Doppler Echocardiography for Patients with Atrial Fibrillation. ISBI 2004: 488-491
25EEHayit Greenspan, Guy Dvir, Yossi Rubner: Context-dependent segmentation and matching in image databases. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 93(1): 86-109 (2004)
24EESigal Trattner, Hayit Greenspan, Gabi Tepper, Shimon Abboud: Automatic identification of bacterial types using statistical imaging methods. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 23(7): 807-820 (2004)
23EEShiri Gordon, Hayit Greenspan, Jacob Goldberger: Applying the Information Bottleneck Principle to Unsupervised Clustering of Discrete and Continuous Image Representations. ICCV 2003: 370-377
22EEJacob Goldberger, Shiri Gordon, Hayit Greenspan: An Efficient Image Similarity Measure Based on Approximations of KL-Divergence Between Two Gaussian Mixtures. ICCV 2003: 487-493
21EEHayit Greenspan, Jacob Goldberger, Arnaldo Mayer: Probabilistic Space-Time Video Modeling via Piecewise GMM. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 26(3): 384-396 (2003)
20EEJacob Goldberger, Hayit Greenspan, Shiri Gordon: Unsupervised Image Clustering Using the Information Bottleneck Method. DAGM-Symposium 2002: 158-165
19EEHayit Greenspan, Jacob Goldberger, Arnaldo Mayer: A Probabilistic Framework for Spatio-Temporal Video Representation & Indexing. ECCV (4) 2002: 461-475
18EEHayit Greenspan, Shiri Gordon, Jacob Goldberger: Probabilistic Models for Generating, Modelling and Matching Image Categories. ICPR (3) 2002: 970-973
17EEGuy Dvir, Hayit Greenspan, Yossi Rubner: Context-Based Image Modelling. ICPR (4) 2002: 162-165
16EEHayit Greenspan, Gal Oz, Nahum Kiryati, Sharon Peled: Super-resolution in MRI. ISBI 2002: 943-946
15EEChad Carson, Serge Belongie, Hayit Greenspan, Jitendra Malik: Blobworld: Image Segmentation Using Expectation-Maximization and Its Application to Image Querying. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 24(8): 1026-1038 (2002)
14EEHayit Greenspan, Sharon Peled, Gal Oz, Nahum Kiryati: MRI Inter-slice Reconstruction Using Super-Resolution. MICCAI 2001: 1204-1206
13EEHayit Greenspan, Jacob Goldberger, Lenny Ridel: A Continuous Probabilistic Framework for Image Matching. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 84(3): 384-406 (2001)
12 Hayit Greenspan, Moshe Laifenfeld, Shmuel Einav, Ofer Barnea: Evaluation of Center-line Extraction Algorithms in Quantitative Coronary Angiography. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 20(9): 928-941 (2001)
11EEHayit Greenspan, Jacob Goldberger, Itay Eshet: Mixture model for face-color modeling and segmentation. Pattern Recognition Letters 22(14): 1525-1536 (2001)
10EEHayit Greenspan, Charles H. Anderson, Shimon Akber: Image enhancement by nonlinear extrapolation in frequency space. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 9(6): 1035-1048 (2000)
9 Serge Belongie, Chad Carson, Hayit Greenspan, Jitendra Malik: Color- and Texture-based Image Segmentation Using the Expectation-Maximization Algorithm and its Application to Content-Based Image Retrieval. ICCV 1998: 675-682
8 David A. Forsyth, Jitendra Malik, Thomas K. Leung, Christoph Bregler, Chad Carson, Hayit Greenspan, Margaret M. Fleck: Finding Pictures of Objects in Large Collections of Images. Data Processing Clinic 1996: 0-
7 David A. Forsyth, Jitendra Malik, Margaret M. Fleck, Hayit Greenspan, Thomas K. Leung, Serge Belongie, Chad Carson, Christoph Bregler: Finding Pictures of Objects in Large Collections of Images. Object Representation in Computer Vision 1996: 335-360
6EEHayit Greenspan, Shimon Akber: Nonlinear edge enhancement. ICIP 1995: 179-182
5EEHayit Greenspan, Rodney M. Goodman, Rama Chellappa, Charles H. Anderson: Learning Texture Discrimination Rules in a Multiresolution System. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 16(9): 894-901 (1994)
4EEHayit Greenspan: Learning in Computer Vision and Image Understanding. NIPS 1993: 1182-1183
3EEHayit Greenspan, Rodney M. Goodman: Remote Sensing Image Analysis via a Texture Classification Neural Network. NIPS 1992: 425-432
2EEHayit Greenspan, Moshe Porat, Yehoshua Y. Zeevi: Projection-Based Approach to Image Analysis: Pattern Recognition and Representation in the Position-Orientation Space. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 14(11): 1105-1110 (1992)
1EEHayit Greenspan, Rodney M. Goodman, Rama Chellappa: Combined Neural Network and Rule-Based Framework for Probabilistic Pattern Recognition and Discovery. NIPS 1991: 444-451

Coauthor Index

1Shimon Abboud [24] [28]
2Shimon Akber [6] [10]
3Charles H. Anderson [5] [10]
4Ofer Barnea [12]
5Serge J. Belongie (Serge Belongie) [7] [9] [15]
6Christoph Bregler [7] [8]
7Chad Carson [7] [8] [9] [15]
8Rama Chellappa [1] [5]
9Jeremie Dreyfuss [42]
10Guy Dvir [17] [25]
11Shmuel Einav [12]
12Itay Eshet [11]
13Micha Feigin [40]
14Micha Feinberg [26]
15Margaret M. Fleck [7] [8]
16David A. Forsyth [7] [8]
17Oren Freifeld [38]
18Jacob Goldberger [11] [13] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [31] [32] [33] [34] [38] [41] [42]
19Rodney M. Goodman [1] [3] [5]
20Shiri Gordon [18] [20] [22] [23] [30] [32] [36] [39] [45]
21Nahum Kiryati [14] [16]
22Moshe Laifenfeld [12]
23Thomas K. Leung [7] [8]
24Shelly Lotenberg [45]
25Jitendra Malik [7] [8] [9] [15]
26Arnaldo Mayer [19] [21] [35] [43] [44]
27Gal Oz [14] [16]
28Sharon Peled [14] [16]
29Adi Pinhas [37]
30Moshe Porat [2]
31Lenny Ridel [13]
32Omer Rotem [41]
33Yossi Rubner [17] [25]
34Amit Ruf [31] [34]
35Allon Shahar [27] [29]
36Oron Shechner [26]
37Mickey Sheinovitz [26]
38Nir A. Sochen [40]
39Gabi Tepper [24] [28]
40Sigal Trattner [24] [28] [40]
41Yehoshua Y. Zeevi [2]
42Gali Zimmerman [30] [36]
43Orly Zvitia [44]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)