
Gary R. Greenfield

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7EEGary R. Greenfield: Robot Paintings Evolved Using Simulated Robots. EvoWorkshops 2006: 611-621
6EEGary R. Greenfield: Designing Metrics for the Purpose of Aesthetically Evaluating. Computational Aesthetics 2005: 151-158
5EEGary R. Greenfield, Donald H. House: A Palette-Driven Approach to Image Color Transfer. Computational Aesthetics 2005: 91-99
4EEGary R. Greenfield: Computational aesthetics as a tool for creativity. Creativity & Cognition 2005: 232-235
3EEGary R. Greenfield: Evolutionary Methods for Ant Colony Paintings. EvoWorkshops 2005: 478-487
2EEGary R. Greenfield: Tilings of Sequences of Co-evolved Images. EvoWorkshops 2004: 427-436
1EEGary R. Greenfield: On the Co-Evolution of Evolving Expressions. International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications 2(1): 17-31 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Donald H. House [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)