
Frederic Green

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24EEDebajyoti Bera, Stephen A. Fenner, Frederic Green, Steven Homer: Universal Quantum Circuits CoRR abs/0804.2429: (2008)
23EEDebajyoti Bera, Stephen A. Fenner, Frederic Green, Steven Homer: Universal Quantum Circuits. Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 15(078): (2008)
22EEFrederic Green, Amitabha Roy: Uniqueness of Optimal Mod 3 Circuits for Parity. Algebraic Methods in Computational Complexity 2007
21EEDebajyoti Bera, Frederic Green, Steven Homer: Small depth quantum circuits. SIGACT News 38(2): 35-50 (2007)
20EEFrederic Green: Review of "Mathematics of Physics and Engineering by Edward K. Blum and Sergey V. Lototsky, " World Scientific. SIGACT News 38(4): 25-30 (2007)
19EEStephen A. Fenner, Frederic Green, Steven Homer, Yong Zhang: Bounds on the Power of Constant-Depth Quantum Circuits. FCT 2005: 44-55
18EEFrederic Green: The correlation between parity and quadratic polynomials mod 3. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 69(1): 28-44 (2004)
17EEFrederic Green: The Correlation Between Parity and Quadratic Polynomials Mod 3. IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity 2002: 65-72
16EEFrederic Green, Randall Pruim: Relativized separation of EQP from PNP. Inf. Process. Lett. 80(5): 257-260 (2001)
15EEFrederic Green, Steven Homer, Chris Pollett: On the Complexity of Quantum ACC. IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity 2000: 250-262
14EEFrederic Green: A complex-number Fourier technique for lower bounds on the Mod-m degree. Computational Complexity 9(1): 16-38 (2000)
13EEStephen A. Fenner, Frederic Green, Steven Homer, Alan L. Selman, Thomas Thierauf, Heribert Vollmer: Complements of Multivalued Functions. Chicago J. Theor. Comput. Sci. 1999: (1999)
12EEStephen A. Fenner, Frederic Green, Steven Homer, Randall Pruim: Determining Acceptance Possibility for a Quantum Computation is Hard for the Polynomial Hierarchy Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 6(3): (1999)
11EEFrederic Green: Exponential Sums and Circuits with a Single Threshold Gate and Mod-Gates. Theory Comput. Syst. 32(4): 453-466 (1999)
10EEStephen A. Fenner, Frederic Green, Steven Homer, Alan L. Selman, Thomas Thierauf, Heribert Vollmer: Complements of Multivalued Functions. IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity 1996: 260-269
9 Jin-yi Cai, Frederic Green, Thomas Thierauf: On the Correlation of Symmetric Functions. Mathematical Systems Theory 29(3): 245-258 (1996)
8 Frederic Green: Lower Bounds for Depth-Three Circuits With Equals and Mod-Gates. STACS 1995: 71-82
7EEFrederic Green: Lower Bounds for Circuits with Mod Gates and One Exact Threshold Gate Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 2(27): (1995)
6 Frederic Green, Johannes Köbler, Kenneth W. Regan, Thomas Schwentick, Jacobo Torán: The Power of the Middle Bit of a #P Function. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 50(3): 456-467 (1995)
5 Frederic Green: A Lower Bound for Monotone Perceptrons. Mathematical Systems Theory 28(4): 283-298 (1995)
4 Frederic Green: On the Power of Deterministic Reductions to C=P. Mathematical Systems Theory 26(2): 215-233 (1993)
3 Frederic Green, Johannes Köbler, Jacobo Torán: The Power of the Middle Bit. Structure in Complexity Theory Conference 1992: 111-117
2 Frederic Green: An Oracle Separating \oplus P from PP^PH. Inf. Process. Lett. 37(3): 149-153 (1991)
1 Frederic Green: An Oracle Separating +P From PPph. Structure in Complexity Theory Conference 1990: 295-298

Coauthor Index

1Debajyoti Bera [21] [23] [24]
2Jin-yi Cai [9]
3Stephen A. Fenner [10] [12] [13] [19] [23] [24]
4Steven Homer [10] [12] [13] [15] [19] [21] [23] [24]
5Johannes Köbler [3] [6]
6Chris Pollett [15]
7Randall Pruim [12] [16]
8Kenneth W. Regan [6]
9Amitabha Roy [22]
10Thomas Schwentick [6]
11Alan L. Selman [10] [13]
12Thomas Thierauf [9] [10] [13]
13Jacobo Torán [3] [6]
14Heribert Vollmer [10] [13]
15Yong Zhang [19]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)