
Malcolm D. Gray

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5EEHelmut Lotsch, Malcolm D. Gray: Algorithm 244: Fresnel integrals. Commun. ACM 7(11): 660-661 (1964)
4EEMalcolm D. Gray: Certification of algorithm 213: Fresnel integrals. Commun. ACM 7(11): 661 (1964)
3EEMalcolm D. Gray: Algorithm 212: frequency distribution. Commun. ACM 6(10): 617 (1963)
2EEMalcolm D. Gray: Algorithm 213: Fresnel integrals. Commun. ACM 6(10): 617 (1963)
1EEMalcolm D. Gray: Remark on algorithms 88, 89, and 90 evaluation of the Fresnel integrals. Commun. ACM 6(10): 618 (1963)

Coauthor Index

1Helmut Lotsch [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)