
Roberto Grasso

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3EEIacopo Carreras, Roberto Grasso, Csaba Király, Sandro Pera, Hagen Woesner, Yabin Ye, Csaba Szabó: Design Considerations on the CREATE-NET Testbed. TRIDENTCOM 2005: 44-53
2EEAndrea Fumagalli, Roberto Grasso: An Efficient Asynchronous Simulation Technique for High Speed Slotted Networks. Annual Simulation Symposium 1999: 11-
1EEGiuliana Franceschinis, Andrea Fumagalli, Roberto Grasso: Performance Analysis of a WDM Bus Network Based on GSPN Models. Computer Performance Evaluation (Tools) 1998: 207-218

Coauthor Index

1Iacopo Carreras [3]
2Giuliana Franceschinis [1]
3Andrea Fumagalli [1] [2]
4Csaba Király [3]
5Sandro Pera [3]
6Csaba Szabó [3]
7Hagen Woesner [3]
8Yabin Ye [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)