
Vincenzo Grassi

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41EEVittorio Cortellessa, Vincenzo Grassi: A Modeling Approach to Analyze the Impact of Error Propagation on Reliability of Component-Based Systems. CBSE 2007: 140-156
40EEVincenzo Grassi, Raffaela Mirandola, Enrico Randazzo, Antonino Sabetta: KLAPER: An Intermediate Language for Model-Driven Predictive Analysis of Performance and Reliability. CoCoME 2007: 327-356
39EEVincenzo Grassi, Andrea Sindico: Towards model driven design of service-based context-aware applications. ESSPE 2007: 69-74
38EEValeria Cardellini, Emiliano Casalicchio, Vincenzo Grassi, Francesco Lo Presti: Flow-Based Service Selection forWeb Service Composition Supporting Multiple QoS Classes. ICWS 2007: 743-750
37EEValeria Cardellini, Emiliano Casalicchio, Vincenzo Grassi, Francesco Lo Presti: Efficient provisioning of service level agreements for service oriented applications. IW-SOSWE 2007: 29-35
36EEVincenzo Grassi, Raffaela Mirandola, Antonino Sabetta: A model-driven approach to performability analysis of dynamically reconfigurable component-based systems. WOSP 2007: 103-114
35EEVittorio Cortellessa, Vincenzo Grassi: Reliability Modeling and Analysis of Service-Oriented Architectures. Test and Analysis of Web Services 2007: 339-362
34EEVincenzo Grassi, Raffaela Mirandola, Antonino Sabetta: Filling the gap between design and performance/reliability models of component-based systems: A model-driven approach. Journal of Systems and Software 80(4): 528-558 (2007)
33EEVincenzo Grassi, Raffaela Mirandola, Antonino Sabetta: A Model Transformation Approach for the Early Performance and Reliability Analysis of Component-Based Systems. CBSE 2006: 270-284
32EEValeria Cardellini, Emiliano Casalicchio, Vincenzo Grassi, Raffaela Mirandola: A Framework for Optimal Service Selection in Broker-Based Architectures with Multiple QoS Classes. SCW 2006: 105-112
31EEVincenzo Grassi, Simone Patella: Reliability Prediction for Service-Oriented Computing Environments. IEEE Internet Computing 10(3): 43-49 (2006)
30EEAntonino Sabetta, Dorina C. Petriu, Vincenzo Grassi, Raffaela Mirandola: Abstraction-Raising Transformation for Generating Analysis Models. MoDELS Satellite Events 2005: 217-226
29EEVincenzo Grassi, Raffaela Mirandola, Antonino Sabetta: An XML-Based Language to Support Performance and Reliability Modeling and Analysis in Software Architectures. QoSA/SOQUA 2005: 71-87
28EEVincenzo Grassi: Performance Analysis of Mobile Systems. SFM 2005: 107-154
27EEVincenzo Grassi, Raffaela Mirandola, Antonino Sabetta: From design to analysis models: a kernel language for performance and reliability analysis of component-based systems. WOSP 2005: 25-36
26EEVincenzo Grassi, Raffaela Mirandola, Antonino Sabetta: UML based modeling and performance analysis of mobile systems. MSWiM 2004: 95-104
25EEVincenzo Grassi, Raffaela Mirandola, Antonino Sabetta: A UML Profile to Model Mobile Systems. UML 2004: 128-142
24EEVincenzo Grassi: Architecture-Based Reliability Prediction for Service-Oriented Computing. WADS 2004: 279-299
23EEVincenzo Grassi, Raffaela Mirandola: Towards automatic compositional performance analysis of component-based systems. WOSP 2004: 59-63
22EEVincenzo Grassi, Raffaela Mirandola: Derivation of Markov Models for Effectiveness Analysis of Adaptable Software Architectures for Mobile Computing. IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput. 2(2): 114-131 (2003)
21EEVittoria De Nitto Persone, Vincenzo Grassi: Performance analysis of caching and prefetching strategies for palmtop-based navigational tools. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 4(1): 23-34 (2003)
20EEVincenzo Grassi, Vittorio Cortellessa, Raffaela Mirandola: Performance Validation of Mobile Software Architectures. Performance 2002: 346-373
19EEVincenzo Grassi, Raffaela Mirandola: PRIMAmob-UML: a methodology for performance analysis of mobile software architectures. Workshop on Software and Performance 2002: 262-274
18EEVittorio Cortellessa, Vincenzo Grassi: A performance-based methodology to early evaluate the effectiveness of mobile software architectures. J. Log. Algebr. Program. 51(1): 77-100 (2002)
17EEVincenzo Grassi, Raffaela Mirandola: UML Modelling and Performance Analysis of Mobile Software Architectures. UML 2001: 209-224
16EEVincenzo Grassi: Prefetching policies for energy saving and latency reduction in a wireless broadcast data delivery system. MSWiM 2000: 77-84
15EEVincenzo Grassi, Vittorio Cortellessa: Performance evaluation of mobility-based software architectures. Workshop on Software and Performance 2000: 44-46
14 Vittoria De Nitto Persone, Vincenzo Grassi: An Analytical Model for a Parallel Fault-Tolerant Computing System. Perform. Eval. 38(3-4): 201-218 (1999)
13EEVittoria De Nitto Persone, Vincenzo Grassi, Antonio Morlupi: Modeling and Evaluation of Prefetching Policies for Context-Aware Information Services. MOBICOM 1998: 55-65
12EEVittoria De Nitto Persone, Vincenzo Grassi: Optimal access control for integrated services wireless networks. Computer Communications 21(17): 1559-1570 (1998)
11 Michele Colajanni, Vincenzo Grassi, Michele Angelaccio: Threshold-Based Reconfiguration Strategies for Gracefully Degradable Parallel Computations. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 55(1): 138-151 (1998)
10EEFrancesco Lo Presti, Vincenzo Grassi: Markov analysis of the PRMA protocol for local wireless networks. Wireless Networks 4(4): 297-306 (1998)
9EEM. Cermele, Vincenzo Grassi: Performance Analysis of a Dynamic Control Policy for PRMA Protocols. FTDCS 1997: 168-175
8 Cesare Antonelli, Vincenzo Grassi: Optimal Design of Fault-Tolerant Soft-Real-Time Systems with Imprecise Computations. EDCC 1994: 115-130
7 Vincenzo Grassi: Dependability Evaluation of Hierarchical Systems. Acta Inf. 31(3): 207-233 (1994)
6EEVincenzo Grassi, Lorenzo Donatiello, Salvatore Tucci: On the Optimal Checkpointing of Critical Tasks and Transaction-Oriented Systems. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 18(1): 72-77 (1992)
5 Vincenzo Grassi, Lorenzo Donatiello: Sensitivity Analysis of Performability. Perform. Eval. 14(3-4): 227-237 (1992)
4 Vincenzo Grassi: Cost Effectiveness Analysis of Different Fault Tolerance Strategies for Hypercube Systems. FTCS 1991: 196-203
3 Lorenzo Donatiello, Vincenzo Grassi: On Evaluating the Cumulative Performance Distribution of Fault-Tolerant Computer Systems. IEEE Trans. Computers 40(11): 1301-1307 (1991)
2 Bruno Ciciani, Vincenzo Grassi, Giuseppe Iazeolla: Yield and Performability Evaluation of VLSI Reconfigurable Multiprocessor Structures. Computer Performance and Reliability 1987: 369-382
1 Lorenzo Donatiello, Vincenzo Grassi, Salvatore Tucci: Availability Distribution of Roll-Back Recovery Systems. Computer Performance and Reliability 1987: 489-502

Coauthor Index

1Michele Angelaccio [11]
2Cesare Antonelli [8]
3Valeria Cardellini [32] [37] [38]
4Emiliano Casalicchio [32] [37] [38]
5M. Cermele [9]
6Bruno Ciciani [2]
7Michele Colajanni [11]
8Vittorio Cortellessa [15] [18] [20] [35] [41]
9Lorenzo Donatiello [1] [3] [5] [6]
10Giuseppe Iazeolla [2]
11Raffaela Mirandola [17] [19] [20] [22] [23] [25] [26] [27] [29] [30] [32] [33] [34] [36] [40]
12Antonio Morlupi [13]
13Simone Patella [31]
14Vittoria De Nitto Persone [12] [13] [14] [21]
15Dorina C. Petriu [30]
16Francesco Lo Presti [10] [37] [38]
17Enrico Randazzo [40]
18Antonino Sabetta [25] [26] [27] [29] [30] [33] [34] [36] [40]
19Andrea Sindico [39]
20Salvatore Tucci [1] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)