
Miro Gradisar

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8EEPeter Trkman, Miro Gradisar: One-dimensional cutting stock optimization in consecutive time periods. European Journal of Operational Research 179(2): 291-301 (2007)
7EEMiro Gradisar, Peter Trkman: A combined approach to the solution to the general one-dimensional cutting stock problem. Computers & OR 32: 1793-1807 (2005)
6EEPeter Trkman, Miro Gradisar: A Comparison Between Exact and Approximate Method for Solution of General One-Dimensional Cutting Stock Problem. Informatica (Slovenia) 27(4): 495-501 (2003)
5EEMiro Gradisar, Gortan Resinovic, Miroljub Kljajic: Evaluation of algorithms for one-dimensional cutting. Computers & OR 29(9): 1207-1220 (2002)
4 Andrej Kovacic, Ales Groznik, Jurij Jaklic, Mojca Indihar Stemberger, Talib Damij, Janez Grad, Miro Gradisar, Tomaz Turk: Strategic IS Planning From the Slovenian Business Perspective. Informatica (Slovenia) 24(2): (2000)
3EEJurij Jaklic, Mojca Indihar Stemberger, Talib Damij, Janez Grad, Miro Gradisar, Andrej Kovacic, Gortan Resinovic, Tomaz Turk: The State of Databases and Data Warehouses in Slovene Organizations. ADBIS (Short Papers) 1999: 124-130
2EEMiro Gradisar, Joze Jesenko, Gortan Resinovic: Optimization of roll cutting in clothing industry. Computers & OR 24(10): 945-953 (1997)
1 Miro Gradisar, Joze Jesenko: Optimization of One Dimensional Cutting in Clothing Industry. Informatica (Slovenia) 20(2): (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Talib Damij [3] [4]
2Janez Grad [3] [4]
3Ales Groznik [4]
4Jurij Jaklic [3] [4]
5Joze Jesenko [1] [2]
6Miroljub Kljajic [5]
7Andrej Kovacic [3] [4]
8Gortan Resinovic [2] [3] [5]
9Mojca Indihar Stemberger [3] [4]
10Peter Trkman [6] [7] [8]
11Tomaz Turk [3] [4]

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