
Michael B. Gousie

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3EEMichael B. Gousie, John Grady, Ben Burrage, Robby Grossman, David Machado, Sarah Milewski, Christopher Stuetzle: Using Metaphors in Dynamic Social Stratification Visualizations. IV 2008: 485-490
2EEMichael B. Gousie: A robust web programming and graphics course for non-majors. SIGCSE 2006: 72-76
1EEMichael B. Gousie, Wm. Randolph Franklin: Constructing a dem from grid-based data by computing intermediate contours. GIS 2003: 71-77

Coauthor Index

1Ben Burrage [3]
2Wm. Randolph Franklin [1]
3John Grady [3]
4Robby Grossman [3]
5David Machado [3]
6Sarah Milewski [3]
7Christopher Stuetzle [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)