
Thomas Gottschalk

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5EEGene Wagenbreth, Ke-Thia Yao, Dan Davis, Robert F. Lucas, Thomas Gottschalk: Enabling 1, 000, 000-entity simulations on distributed Linux clusters. Winter Simulation Conference 2005: 1170-1181
4EEEd Upchurch, Paul L. Springer, Maciej Brodowicz, Sharon Brunett, Thomas Gottschalk: Performance Analysis of Blue Gene/L Using Parallel Discrete Event Simulation. HiPC 2003: 2-11
3EESharon Brunett, Dan Davis, Thomas Gottschalk, Paul Messina, Carl Kesselman: Implementing Distributed Synthetic Forces Simulations in Metacomputing Environments. Heterogeneous Computing Workshop 1998: 29-
2 Sharon Brunett, Thomas Gottschalk: A Large-Scale Metacomputing Framework for the ModSAF Real-Time Simulation. Parallel Computing 24(12-13): 1873-1900 (1998)
1EEPaul Messina, Sharon Brunett, Dan Davis, Thomas Gottschalk, D. Curkendall, L. Ekroot, Howard Jay Siegel: Distributed interactive simulation for synthetic forces. Heterogeneous Computing Workshop 1997: 112-

Coauthor Index

1Maciej Brodowicz [4]
2Sharon Brunett [1] [2] [3] [4]
3D. Curkendall [1]
4Dan Davis [1] [3] [5]
5L. Ekroot [1]
6Carl Kesselman [3]
7Robert F. Lucas [5]
8Paul Messina [1] [3]
9Howard Jay Siegel [1]
10Paul L. Springer [4]
11Ed Upchurch [4]
12Gene Wagenbreth [5]
13Ke-Thia Yao [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)