
Dmitry O. Gorodnichy

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11EEDmitry O. Gorodnichy, Arjun Yogeswaran: Detection and tracking of pianist hands and fingers. CRV 2006: 63
10EEDmitry O. Gorodnichy: Seeing faces in video by computers. Editorial for Special Issue on Face Processing in Video Sequences. Image Vision Comput. 24(6): 551-556 (2006)
9EEDmitry O. Gorodnichy: Video-Based Framework for Face Recognition in Video. CRV 2005: 330-338
8EEHong Zhang, Dmitry O. Gorodnichy: Latest research in computer vision--a special issue on VI 2002. Image Vision Comput. 22(12): 929-930 (2004)
7EEDmitry O. Gorodnichy, Gerhard Roth: Nouse 'use your nose as a mouse' perceptual vision technology for hands-free games and interfaces. Image Vision Comput. 22(12): 931-942 (2004)
6EEDmitry O. Gorodnichy: Facial Recognition in Video. AVBPA 2003: 505-514
5EEDmitry O. Gorodnichy: On Importance of Nose for Face Tracking. FGR 2002: 188-196
4 Dmitry O. Gorodnichy, Alexandre M. Reznik: Static and Dynamic Attractors of Auto-associative Neural Networks. ICIAP (2) 1997: 238-245
3 Dmitry O. Gorodnichy, William Ward Armstrong, Xiaobo Li: Adaptive Logic Networks for Facial Feature Detection. ICIAP (2) 1997: 332-339
2 Dmitry O. Gorodnichy, Alexandre M. Reznik: Increasing Attraction of Pseudo-Inverse Autoassociative Networks. Neural Processing Letters 5(2): 51-55 (1997)
1 Dmitry O. Gorodnichy: Desaturating Coefficient for Projection Learning Rule. ICANN 1996: 469-476

Coauthor Index

1William Ward Armstrong [3]
2Xiaobo Li [3]
3Alexandre M. Reznik [2] [4]
4Gerhard Roth [7]
5Arjun Yogeswaran [11]
6Hong Zhang [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)