
Carlos González-Martín

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7EEAntonio Sedeño-Noda, D. Alcaide López de Pablo, Carlos González-Martín: A network flow-based method to solve performance cost and makespan open-shop scheduling problems with time-windows. European Journal of Operational Research 196(1): 140-154 (2009)
6EEAntonio Sedeño-Noda, Enrique González-Dávila, Carlos González-Martín, A. González-Yanes: Preemptive benchmarking problem: An approach for official statistics in small areas. European Journal of Operational Research 196(1): 360-369 (2009)
5EEAntonio Sedeño-Noda, D. Alcaide López de Pablo, Carlos González-Martín: Network flow approaches to pre-emptive open-shop scheduling problems with time-windows. European Journal of Operational Research 174(3): 1501-1518 (2006)
4EEAntonio Sedeño-Noda, Carlos González-Martín, Jose Gutiérrez: The biobjective undirected two-commodity minimum cost flow problem. European Journal of Operational Research 164(1): 89-103 (2005)
3EEAntonio Sedeño-Noda, Carlos González-Martín, Sergio Alonso: Solving the undirected minimum cost flow problem with arbitrary costs. Networks 45(1): 1-3 (2005)
2EEAntonio Sedeño-Noda, Carlos González-Martín, Sergio Alonso: A generalization of the scaling max-flow algorithm. Computers & OR 31(13): 2183-2198 (2004)
1EEAntonio Sedeño-Noda, Carlos González-Martín: An algorithm for the biobjective integer minimum cost flow problem. Computers & OR 28(2): 139-156 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Sergio Alonso [2] [3]
2Enrique González-Dávila [6]
3A. González-Yanes [6]
4Jose Gutiérrez [4]
5D. Alcaide López de Pablo [5] [7]
6Antonio Sedeño-Noda [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

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