
Ernesto Gomez

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3EEFrancis N. Castro, Ernesto Gomez, Oscar Moreno: A Class of Fermat Curves for which Weil-Serre's Bound Can Be Improved. AAECC 2006: 128-135
2EEErnesto Gomez, Yasha Karant, Veysi Malkoc, Mahesh R. Neupane, Keith E. Schubert, Reinhard W. Schulte: Orthogonal and Least-Squares Based Coordinate Transforms for Optical Alignment Verification in Radiosurgery. ITCC (2) 2005: 83-88
1 Ernesto Gomez, L. Ridgway Scott: Overlapping and Short-Cutting Techniques in Loosely Synchronous Irregular Problems. IRREGULAR 1998: 116-127

Coauthor Index

1Francis N. Castro [3]
2Yasha Karant [2]
3Veysi Malkoc [2]
4Oscar Moreno [3]
5Mahesh R. Neupane [2]
6Keith E. Schubert [2]
7Reinhard W. Schulte [2]
8L. Ridgway Scott [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)